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Step A5B

Another simple yet effective King of the Hill map!

After a long hiatus, I have returned to the world of TF2 mapping!

Step is (yet another) simple yet effective King of the Hill map. I couldn't really come up with a good name, so I stuck with Step for the time being. I didn't really have a theme going on for this one, I just started making a control point and let my brain go from there. While on paper that sounds like a terrible idea (which I have to admit, that can be a terrible idea), I think this map turned out really well. I even hosted this map on my own server and had a couple of people playtest it, and they enjoyed it. Now obviously, just a couple of people isn't a good gauge as to whether a map is good or not. That's why I have come back before you all today.

I have ensured with 100% certainty that this map is not over-scaled.

Below, you'll find some screenshots of what the map looks like in its current state:

20200307140534_1.jpg 20200307140319_1.jpg 20200307140333_1.jpg 20200307140453_1.jpg 20200307140456_1.jpg 20200307140247_1.jpg 20200307140310_1.jpg 20200307140349_1.jpg 20200307140356_1.jpg

I hope you all enjoy!
First release
Last update
King of the Hill

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Latest updates

  1. A5B

    Made some changes from feedback given during the previous version's playtesting. Here are the changes from the previous version: - Re-added the invisible walls above the bridges and the walls next to them. - Added patches underneath all item...
  2. The "Fine Tuning" Update

    I honestly only came back to this because I was bored. Some of the changes include: - The back walls of the bridges have been re-added. - The invisible walls above the bridges (and above the walls between them and the sniper perch) have been...
  3. Alpha 4!

    Here's the changelog, along with some pics: - Added a new side route to the middle building in the lobbies - Moved the shutter doors in the middle building back - Added walls to the inner platforms on the point - Removed the back walls on the...