Stalemate-Protected CTF prefab

Stalemate-Protected CTF prefab v1

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Stalemate-Protected CTF prefab v1

This CTF prefab doesn't allow stalemate to happen if any of teams have scored at least once

Stalemate-Protected CTF prefab

How does it works?

If at least one of the teams has a difference in the score, then the victory will be counted to the team with the most captures. For example, if RED team has 1 capture and BLU has 0 then when time runs out victory will be awarded to RED.

If the team points are the same (For example, 0 - 0, 1 - 1 or 2 - 2), a stalemate will be declared

What else?

Prefab has a round time set to 10 minutes, you may change it but dont delete it - it necessary for prefab to work!

You may edit it as like as you want

Снимок экрана (718).png
First release
Last update

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Latest reviews

Nice CTF prefab! :)