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Snail A3C

My quest to make "SD but good" continues.

*Screenshots are currently outdated

A traditional SD map - like sd_doomsday.
The elevator is below the Australium, with the intention of it being easy to rotate from the Australium to the point, but harder to go back, and also with the intention of making the point a less desirable place to be, so people don't camp it as is common in SD.
Ideally, players should individually decide whether to pressure the Australium or the point, and can easily rotate in emergency situations where they're about to lose.
Also, if nobody manages to cap in 7 minutes, the round stalemates. Well, it's more like 6 minutes and 10 seconds, since the round doesn't start until 5 seconds after the timer does, and the Australium stays locked for 45 seconds after that, giving teams an opportunity to not immediately lose the round even if they immediately lose the Australium and/or the point, because they can fortify wherever the enemy is weakest.
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  1. fuck

    Changelog: -Fixed a possible logic issue, the same one that stole so many potential victories in A3A -Removed the small ammo from the dropdown to the elevator because it's a really good sentry spot even without giving engies any help
  2. Am I confident that these changes are a net positive? Not at all!

    Screenshots are still outdated. With this version, I'm justifying it with the excuse that I'm not at all proud of this version and will probably end up reverting to A3A's geometry to base A4 off. Changelog: -increased the flag's return time from...
  3. Excuse to retest

    Changelog: -various logic fixes -extended the round timer from 7 minutes to 8 and a half minutes - the map stalemated twice when it had decent playercounts, and it was probably because the fast return time of the australium encourages a...