In this version of the game:
* Detailed the map a lot more.
* added details on areas outside the walkable space. ( this will help in the next version when I add a better 3D skybox)
*added a new shark aquarium for Red team ( now both teams are equal )
*optimized the map a little more and made the fps higher ( I tried replacing a few props with brushes , and more props now fade out when you are out of their view.
* Now for the second time every class can get on top of the ship ( its an experiement again but since people complain its way too hard to attack the point and for some reason nobody goes to the ship flank for health and ammo this might help the sittuation. If not I will just revert it back )
Notes: I am pretty Happy with how the map looks now. I had a goal. To make Red Side look better than Blue Side and for some reason I done it. I tried making different looks and details to each side so the map is more interesting. That applys to the new aquarium as well which was a community request and I hope I delivered. In the next version I will have the whole map detailed and textured and with a 3D skybox hopefully.
With that Said Please... Give me feedback about the map and Explain why you are saying what you are saying ( maybe include a way to fix the issue too ). I say that cause having feedback like its too hard to attack the point doesnt say much and I dont know what the deal is.
Anyway, I hope you like the new details and hopefully I will play my map for once. its been like 3 months since I last played it....