The long-awaited new update is here! All sorts of polish and some important layout changes.
- Mid is back under the bridge, baby!
---- Alongside this, the two small healthkits on mid have been moved to the stairwell areas, rather than on the grass.
- Toxic has been completely redone!
---- It now comes out in the old location, but with a much nicer route to push through.
---- WAY higher ceilings
---- Side area for dodging spam
---- The forward spawn had to move, so it's got a new area
---- There's a little ledge in front of the forward to stand on now
---- Medium ammo moved to little nook beneath forward
- New route added between Lobby and Second!
---- This has been much-requested, should be good
---- Nice big doors too
- Doors from cargo into second have been embiggened
- Dropdown has been removed
- Last has been moved forward a bit.
---- Can still move spawns back if necessary, but it'll be a lot of work, so might have to happen at a later date
- Dead zone near second moved in a little
- Redundant pickups in lobby removed
- Lighting changes all around
Hope y'all have fun, let me know if anything's broken and I'll get a fix out shortly.