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Prairie (CP) 1.2.2

Pretty prairies, tall grass, and a rough landing await those looking to infiltrate the RED silo.

Pretty prairies, tall grass, and a rough landing await those looking to infiltrate the RED silo.

As a member of the BLU team, you must ascend RED's ramshackle of a fortress to gain control of their communications satellite. RED team has to send those troublemakers packing by any means necessary.

For some mercenaries, this is practically heaven. An absolute playground for those in the grass, and the skies!

I'd say I've learned a bit more from the development of this map compared to my previous map, cp_bunker. Optimization has been improved, especially for a map with this much damn grass and wood. This was made in about a week, right after the publication of the Bunker.

Don't be afraid to leave feedback and share your experience with the map. I'm eager to hear it! Let me know if you'd like to see more of my maps. Take it easy, folks.

I have a community server themed around mostly old-school TF2: the SMIZZ server. It contains older custom maps (along with mine), improved and functional TFBots, loads of silly rebalancing, and much more! The IP for anyone willing to join:

To download and play the map yourself:

1) Subscribe, boot up TF2, and go to this folder address: steam/steamapps/workshop/content/440

From there, visit the folder with the matching workshop link ID, then copy-paste it into your tf/maps folder.

2) Open TF2, then go to your console and type map workshop/insert workshop link ID here to download and enter the map.


Patch #1: A junction of planks by the 2nd point has been made level to make navigation a bit easier. Additional details, such as dirt paths, signs, and a wood texture replacement, have been added. Finally, the farmer mowed the grass! Will be working on further optimization involving cubemaps in the following weeks ahead.

Patch #2: Cubemap has been added. Fixed a few navigation areas for bots.
Padre Snowmizzle
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

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