So I reverted most of the stuff,
Moved most of the health kits
And created 1 place to hold
And a flank route that goes under the point​
I'm too lazy to add images but I probably will add them next update. It's been a while since I've worked on this map.
-The miracle workers on both Dr. Evil and Austin Powers side pushed the point back! So that it takes longer to get there.
-They think that they fixed the door sensors. Very new tech so you never know
-For some reason there is a shed with a truck parked there now.
-They demolished the upstairs sniping deck and redid all of the transition rooms.
-They took inspiration from the man who was kicking all the health kits and put them in different places (except this time they're not breaking a law)
-They used a different material on reds side for metal roofs (It was probably cheaper and in less demand.. cheapskate)

And thats about it. Happy new years and enjoy the rest of your day.
Our engineers have been hard at work creating the best experience.

>Made the mid area bigger so the mercs are comfortable.
>Cap area is now larger so you do not have to hug or be on top of it.
>Our demolition team accidentally destroyed the 2 flank routes, so we replaced it with an area with high ground.
>We dug up a few rocks so I just placed it in mid and pushed the existing rocks back.
>The capture point now takes slightly shorter to cap (12 to 8)
>Mercs kept bumping their heads on the lamps and breaking their necks so we sent the lamps through a machine.
>Scout kept staring straight at the sun so we replaced it with a less bright one.
>Someone kicked some of the health kits so we left it there.
?We dispatched a cleanup team to get rid of annoying clutter.

And that is all that the team reported to me, I don't know I'm just the messager.