
Multi Stage pl_goldheistcanyon V17

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Multi Stage pl_goldheistcanyon V17

Blue Team is tyring to steal red's gold - can red team stop them?

Been a long time since I did anything with this map.

It used to be 4 stages and is now 3.
Major work done all around.


Please feel free to comment :)

Special thanks to RodionJenga for helping me get the shared spawn room working in a much easier way than I had thought about doing.
First release
Last update

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Latest updates

  1. Version 17 now out and it's the last one

    Sorry forgot to give you the final version
  2. Most Recent Version on Steam Workshop has been updated

    Saw that this map was an old version have updated to most recent
  3. Version 9 update

    After another couple of 32 player matches, I made another change to blue's mid point spawn in the 2nd stage stage to put more pressure on red and to counter them into a more defensive position. Got the "Your gonna die" death trigger working...