
Multi Stage pl_goldheistcanyon V17

Sorry forgot to give you the final version
Saw that this map was an old version have updated to most recent
After another couple of 32 player matches, I made another change to blue's mid point spawn in the 2nd stage stage to put more pressure on red and to counter them into a more defensive position.

Got the "Your gonna die" death trigger working properly. Basically I have a health kit and an ammo kit in a spot that clearly says - "do not enter" on it. I'm teaching people to read - lol

Added in a directional arrow for blue in the lake cave to give them a bettet indication that a new alternate path has opened up for them.
After some more game play on a 32 player server I have made some more modifications:

Stage 1
- changed choke point arch into a building structure to allow an alternate flanking path in the same location
- changed / modified center arch near red's final spot and cart path (minor change) to cut down sight line and make it easier for blue to push the archway - they now have some more cover.
- modified red sniper tower so they can't hide in doorways as much, the new flanking route will allow blue snipers to counter snipe more as red team snipers will now have to cover multiple angles instead of just focusing aim to specific locations.

Stage 2
- split part of blue's mid point spawn to divide red's pressure on blue middle spawns, blue can now attack red's final spawn more directly from another angle and take some of the pressure off their mid point.
Ok there was a v5 but after another 32 player multi test I made some more changes based on the feedback - so here is V6

Stage 1
- added in more time for blue as they were having a hard time getting cart to top of trellis
- fixed missing stairs in red spawm
- fixed missing texture - red spawn
- fix roof over blue spawn exit where red could camp

Stage 2
- added in light red spawn room
- raised kill trigger on blast furnace to stop players from getting trapped in there
- deactivate red door to old spawn room to keep them from getting killed
- fixed a hol in the map
- made three of the doors (to ravine exterior) blue only to help keep red from geting into the warehouse so easily
- fixed a blue door trigger to keep blue from running around in circles
- clipped the two water towers
- changed a shack model so blue can go inside it

Stage 3
- Raised the skybox at the request of players