
pl_eruption B14

In this update:

➤ Remade the entire skybox so now it's more detailed and well-made
➤Fixed prop fades
Point A:
➤ When Blu Cap A, now their spawn moves further into their first spawnroom similar to upward's.
➤Upgraded right side's medium ammo pack into a full one to encourage engineers setting up there more often.
➤ Red's Bunker has more places to hide now as a defender.
Point B:
➤ Improved optimization
➤ Extended Blu's platform while climbing up to the frontline
➤ Gave Blu a one way window into attacking Red's defence
➤ Improved visibility in some areas
➤ Added a crate on Red's lowground to prevent medics from hiding in a super safe spot.
Point C:
➤ Added a small HP/Ammo pack on Red's small highground area overlooking the point and tracks.
➤ Added more cover for Red around the point

Point D:
➤ Some doorways and hallways were extended in order to allow for better movement.
➤ On the low ground, cover was either replaced or moved around to allow for more interesting fights.
➤ Red's low ground defence was improved by giving them more space to hide as well as a better sentry angle.
➤Reworked the stairs on the low ground to allow for cover and to climb up to the highground easier. Also it now opens a new jump for all classes. Especially for spies.
It's been a while hasn't it?
I got 2 maps of mine into the game and I felt complete inside of me. It's something I was trying to do for years now and I finally did it. However for me mapping (or anything I do) is art. I love creating art. And when I see people just enjoying what I made I am really happy with that. So I tried to retire from mapping and create new stuff, such as playing with blender and now with VR which I am super excited.
I just want to learn new things, that excites me a ton.
However Hoppkins wanted my help with his map embargo which I had a lot of fun helping him with. And now comp players wanted me to improve Eruption which I also had a good with with. I have had a few ideas about the map for a while now and I wanted to do them out of love for the map.
Dunno what the future holds but I am certain that I will do what I love.
Thank you to everyone who helped me over the years, I appreciate everything. Trully.
In this update:

➤New eruption particles were made by Suna when Blu win.
➤Improved clipping
➤Improved performance
➤Improved lighting. The map has more shadows now and the lighting is less bright.
➤Improved soundscapes. Now you can hear stuff like the waves, the electricity on the fences etc. Also the mercenary park soundscape "Lair.JungleLight" plays instead of Lair.Jungle or the previous one I had. Reason being that the Light version has weaker thunder sound effects which sound like the volcano is erupting slightly and also because the rest of the available valve soundscapes didnt really fit with the map.
➤Replaced the old boundaries with new ones on point A20230603015846_1.jpg
➤Fixed getting stuck here when riding the cart.
➤Added menu loading photos (Made by Jeddyk)ingame.png

Alright map should be finally done!
I am tired of working on the same map for almost 5 years now. The map is really close to being finalized so if anything new pops up I will make sure to fix it. I want to move on and do new stuff now, coding and maybe making a video game or something like that. I will keep making maps tho.
I am really excited to see how the map will perform on highlander cups. Keep an eye for that btw.
Thank you to everyone who gave me feedback over the years and help me make Eruption!
Eruption was always my dream map and I am happy I managed to finish this. It's weird finishing this map and not working on it "again". I might but who knows?
Anyways thank you guys so much for your help. Means a ton to me!
In this update:

➤Improved the clipping in the map
➤Improved fps/optimization around the map
➤Fixed any bugs and issues
➤Made the skybox prettier and added more clouds to support the tropical island theme.
➤Fixed many props popping in and out.
➤Added spectator cameras for each team.
➤Added a small cover on B in order to stop a nasty sightline from the dropdown up until Red's defence.
➤Added 2 small easter eggs in the map. (Rhamkin this is for you)
➤Improved the cubemaps
➤Fixed lighting issues
➤Made the trigger catapult around the fan smaller, so you can walk around the fan and not get accidentally launched into the air.
➤Fixed being able to build inside Red's first spawn
In the next update the lighting, soundscapes and a few more details will be improved!
You should also expect a custom explosion effect made by Suna when the volcano erupts!
Fixed the clipping
In this version:

➤The whole map is detailed now!!!!!!
➤We got a 3D skybox going on
➤We also got better lighting
➤And other cool

It's finally time boys! Eruption is done! It's fricking done!
I am honestly really stressed out this moment due to all the work that JeddyK and I have put into this map to get it done before the deadline. Somehow we did it!
I am really really excited about this map and I hope you're too!
I will prepare a trailer for eruption tommorow if everything goes well!
Thank you so much for your support all these years. This project is my baby and I put so much love and care to it. Hope it shows!
Of course I will keep updating the map while receiving more and more feedback!
Thank you!
What the title says above.
In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤The whole point is detailed now.
-----Point B-----
➤Half the point got a detail pass by JeddyK.
-----Point C-----
➤ most of the point got detailed.
-----Point D-----
➤ Point D got a detailing shape rework, meaning that how the point will look once fully detailed has changed. The goal is to make the point feel more of a grand finale.
➤Red spawn got reworked in order to allow for faster rotations.
➤The left hold position for Red team got changed. Now it's a few hammer units lower for balance purposes. Also the area below that hold got changed in order to allow Red a small place to take cover as well as set up a nest.
So we got 20 days left. Hopefully it would be enough to finish the whole map. Fingers crossed!
So all the gameplay changes should be done by now. Hope you guys like the map, hope it plays well and it looks well. When Valve announched the summer update I really felt like I should step up my game if I wanted the map to get in so that is why I am reworking the whole detailing. I tried optimizing the map as best as I could. By running around other official maps I get the same fps as upward so I hope everything will work out. Now the plan is to finish the map completely before May and upload it to the workshop for the summer update.

By the way I am looking for someone to create the eruption effect!
If you have any feedback please let JeddyK and I know!


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In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤Reworked all displacements on the point with the goal to make them look and feel more natural. Keep in mind that the displacements are not 100% done. Neither do they have any detailing such as bushes and trees. Those will be added later.
➤Added more cover around the point
➤Made the entire point feel more natural
➤Replaced Red's defence cave with a bunker. (Goal is to have more than 4 textures around the map. This is why I am making such changes. Also it sells the idea of the map better)
➤Improved optimization.

-----Point C-----
➤Replaced the stone bridge with a wooden one (To allow for more space to move around as well as to give this point more textures to look at. The bridge will be detailed in a later version)
➤Added more cover to break some bad sightlines.
➤Gave Blu more space to move around when attacking from the highground
➤Fixed a head glitch where a sniper could stand behind the C sign and shoot people while almost completely covered.
➤Added a big tree to indicate where some invisible walls are.
➤Tweaked clipping and fixed issues.

Alright Now I am done with Test 3 I am going to rework all the detailing on point D and make some small gameplay changes there. Such as a rework on the Red's spawn to allow for faster rotations. I have a friend working on point B so you can expect that as well. Probably. Hopefully. We will See.
After test 4 I see myself releasing B11 where the map would be (almost or fully) detailed.
Right now I feel like I have a second chance to rework the detailing and make it feel and look more natural and better. That's why I am reworking all the displacements and details. For point D I feel like I could have done more with the lava concept.
Anyways those are my thoughts. Wish me luck for the May 1st Deadline.
In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤ Replaced a prop and a weird displacement with more natural displacements + improved cover.
➤improved the ground displacements
➤fixed a bug caused by a rock that blocked bullets.

-----Point B-----
➤removed 2 boxes that allowed red to climb up to blu's highground
➤made a wooden cover fully solid to block visibility

-----Point C-----
➤ Reworked all displacements on the point with the goal to make them look and feel more natural. Keep in mind that the displacements are not 100% done. Neither do they have any detailing such as bushes and trees. Those will be added later.
➤ Added more cover around the point
➤ Added a second exit from red's first spawn
➤Added a new route for blu to flank red a little easier.
➤Tweaked health and ammo
➤Gave spy more places to decloak
➤Gave Red more space to hide while defending
➤Tweaked the height variation for Blu a little
➤ Improved clipping/optimization and more.






As you can see the new layout looks a lot cleaner and easier to understand what is going on.

New route:

2 weeks later I got a new update for you. Point C is almost done funnily enough. I can finish it 100% really soon. I really wanted to improve my displacements and do something better with eruption for the summer update. I knew I could, so I practiced creating displacements for 2-3 hours on mercenary park (Remaking existing displacements) in order to learn.
I am pretty happy with how the displacements look so far, keep in mind those are the basic shapes and with no detail at all, imagine if I add detail how they will look like...
Also I had fun with level design after a loooong time. I really enjoyed working on Point C, I believe that is visible. While working I felt like I could add a new route there, change those rocks there, add more cover here etc. I kept thinking and thinking about the design all day, how it will play out, what the best choices would be and that's what I came up with while staying as true to the original design as possible. I also tried to simplify the detailing and design a little. Some places felt off.
Anyways that's for now, Can't wait to finish this map for the summer update, I am really excited and I love working on this map now.
In this version:

-----Point A-----
➤ smoothed out ground displacements to feel more natural
➤Gave the cart path more space for players to stand close to it and push the cart.
➤Gave Red defence more cover from snipers
➤replaced the ramps with stairs
➤Added more signs to better guide players

-----Point B-----
➤Gave Blu a quick rotation route from the main route to the left route.
➤Fixed some clipping issues.

-----Point C-----
➤Got rid of the rocks that prevented soldiers and demos from highbombing Red's defence.
➤Made Red's highground a little shorter
➤Flipped the "stairs" that led to the Red's sniper highground. Now blu can use it to attack Red's defences easier.
-----Point D-----
➤ Closed the freezer room route entirely. (people didnt use it at all and simplifying the map is a priority)

Ever since Valve announced the summer update I have been gathering feedback to improve eruption as much as I could. Thus I will be releasing frequent "smaller" updates where I can both detail the map and make gameplay changes. My priority right now is to fix the displacements and make the map feel more jungle themed. With that in mind some displacements from this update may look ugly but I will completely remake them in the future.
If you have any piece of feedback do let me know. I would love to hear your opinion!