A rework of the routing around A has been implemented, to allow for a significantly shorter red spawn and thus faster rotations from A to B (for when A is being captured) and A/B to E.
Red defence for B has hopefully been improved via routing changes - the red forward spawn is significantly smaller due to a repositioned A exit, and the frontline is a little more defined for B itself with some geometry changes on the blue approach. B may still roll - a slow opening door between A and B could be a solution (though not an elegant one).
A rework of the B->C/E lobby is aiming to stop red's aggressive forward hold of the area even after B has been captured.
Routing around D has gone through another iteration, and the A->D/E route has been reworked - both will hopefully improve the flow of the area a little. Fully prepared for it to still have issues unfortunately - D is an ongoing experiment, and I'm still not happy with the A->D/E route's location.
Geometry around last (red hold side) has been updated to fit the A->D route change, and the lower route back up to the middle route has been reinstated so engineers don't get stuck on the ring around last any more.
Hopefully these work together to improve the flow some more. Unfortunately, time is running short and thus detailing should probably start quite soon, meaning more of the geo will need to be locked in.