Old port

Old port a8

Multiple big changes in response to a very prominent issue: the map was boring. It felt like a big corridor with balconies on the side, with no real variation on the track itself. Also, Red was crushed for three rounds straight due to lacking defensive spots, so Blue simply rolled past them. Also, minor cosmetic issues were fixed

1- New forward spawn for Blue after 2nd
2- Made it so Red can exit out of their locked spawn after 1rst
3- Expanded Red's last spawn, added new door with High ground
4- Made the first cap have more height variations and more areas for Red to defend
5- Connected the walkway with the stairs on 3rd with the entrance to Red last
6-Added a new flank through the building next to the water pumps on 3rd
7- Added a new flank route on 1rst, through a beach that also has a ramp onto 2nd
8- Transformed point C into a beach with a tower so that Red can defend more easily, due to Blue having the high ground
9- Added an overhang on 1rst to cut sightlines
10- Fixed an issue with info_observer_point causing the camera to shift permanently
11- Fixed an issue where the Engineer could build buildings on top of Blue's flank route
12 - Fixed an issue where props decided to forgo the laws of physics (Props were floating)
13- Gave Red some much-needed cover on multiple points, especially on 1rst and 3rd
14- Reduced respawn timers for Red
Fixed a bug where RED's respawn didn't reset
Changed the brush on the stairs from invis to clip
added a door on blu flank
2nd Cap has been reworked, new stairs for blu to access the flank, the flank is fully sealed off, aside from one entrance. Red's high ground was shortened significantly so that blu can see and shoot into their position, and made the high ground harder to keep. Removed the full health pack and jacked up the respawn timers so that Red deaths are more impactful. And moved the cap to be in front of the boat, instead of in front of red spawn

Finally, added more light, as players complained of darkness often
Added a new flank on last and significantly changed cap 2
Added clipping to the stairs and some props.
Fixed the balcony on last not being flush with the ground
Added a garage to blu first spawn to prevent spawn camping
walled off the stairs to the flank on last
Shortened the platform in the building behind red forward spawn, and moved the stairs
Very slightly changed the stairs leading up to the roofs on third
Updated flank to be less spammable, lowered the boat on the second cap and added a fence to reduce demo spam and prevent sniper sightlines, whilst reducing the claustrophobic feel of the point
Fixed a problem where RED would get stuck in their Forward spawn
Fixed a brush being One unit off
Added a flank on last so Blu could get better angles on sentry guns
the map is still in a2, but I realized that some glitches occurred that I wanted fixed