Old port

Old port a8

The cart has been fixed
All other changes are minor

Doors in flank have now been given the one way property

Trucks have been added
Ramp has been added to help mobility for RED
Arrow signs to indicate direction
Added the intended flanks for the third, fourth and last cap

A/B: Nothing

  • Added New respawn for Red
  • Added a Flank offshoot to flank the point

- Added a flank offshoot from the main entrance
Again, I listened to the main feedback given, it is still boring. I didn't realize where the boredom came from until we reached point 3. The third cap was terminally boring and didn't feel like tf2. And so, after being told to, I completely scrapped the third cap, aside from the entrance to last and the area around BLU forward spawn.

No Overall changes made

Removed useless balcony defense inside the trench
Remove doorways within the flank

Added props on the ship, for cover and aesthetics

Removed crates and blocked off op Sentry spots

(C and D)
Added new cap, changed original to cap D
Removed the previous marketplace, replaced with a cramped city sector to create a chokepoint
Altered path track to be more dynamic, constantly going up and down throughout the city center
Blocked off beach flank
Turned D into an island
Fixed Sniper being to oppressive
Changed the third point due to the choke being incredibly tight


-Added nobuild to the water
-Fixed floating props

-Fixed bumping into light model
-Made the hallway before the first cap less bright


-Added ladder to make the flank more obvious


-Removed rocks and invisible wall


-Added new beach and boardwalk area
-Added new door
-Made it possible to swim in the water
-Removed some invisible walls blocking bullets
-Connected flank from A to C
-Moved the health pack to behind the metal gates
The dumb lights have finally been fixed
This is not a troll map, don't worry.
I'll do the troll version when the map enters beta

The updates to the map were made with consideration to the most alarming complaints, though every single comment of feedback was read and taken into account

  • Added a wall and some docks on the beach
  • Removed rock props on the beach
  • Removed a wall on top of a building and added a ramp to its roof, giving RED a safer spot to shoot at BLU
  • Removed fencing on the walkway connecting the building with a staircase and the balcony
  • Gave BLU a window in their first spawn
  • Added a walkway with a full health pack above the cap
  • added a platform outside away from the boat and moved the ramp to the end of the platform
  • Removed the fencing in front of one of RED's spawn door
  • Added ramp connecting the outside of the building near the main entrance with the beach
- Fixed the walkway flash-banging people when they entered
  • Widened the tunnel near the water pumps, and moved the water pumps to create a corner
  • Installed a wall in front of the ramp near the point to block Sniper sightlines
  • Changed some fences to walls to improve performance
  • Fixed being able to put a sentry on the shutter for the BLU flank
  • Altered the BLU flank to an earlier version, without the walkway
  • added a wall and high ground for RED
  • Removed a useless walkway that was attached to the crates
Added a walkway and pushed the ramp back on the beach flank on first
Removed the catwalk for Blu on last
Made C a lot less bright
Removed props on the beach flank
Started adding textures, tell me what you think
Fixed the cart breaking on the first step

added a door to slow down Blu on first, flipped the access door to the flank route
Fixed a bug where the cart wanted to drill to Africa
Here are some more minor tweaks made:

1- Fixed an issue where Red would get stuck behind an invisible wall
2- Updated Red forward spawn to have more room
3- Indicated where one could swim on first