Graveyard (Lumberyard Event)

Graveyard (Lumberyard Event) VScript v3

Welcome to B2! This version lays down a couple more bits of detailing groundwork while mainly focusing on tackling major bugs with the map and ghosts in general.

While I wait and see if my previously mentioned bug reports get a response, I've gone ahead and put together a ton of failsafes and logic re-works that solve some of the most major issues.

After lots of debugging, it turns out this was caused whenever a player died of direct flames. Not even afterburn, but direct fire- and it happened 100% of a time. Being a 'Big ghost' had several ramifications. The reason the ghosts were large is because there was a trigger surrounding the map. When you became a ghost, you'd leave the trigger (since ghosts cannot interact with them normally), and it'd send some outputs to you such as shrinking you down, giving you a dispenser, and most critically, counting you as dead. Uh oh! Turning someone into a ghost with direct fire meant all of this was bypassed. It wasn't caused by disguised spies like some testers speculated. Through rewriting how a lot of the mode works, this critical issue is now fixed.

A similar bug exists with all methods of teleportation in the game. Sort of like how turning into a ghost from pyro's flames makes you stay in any trigger you're in, teleportation would make you leave any trigger you're in, even if the entrance and destination were encapsulated by the same trigger. Like above, this meant living players who took a teleporter would be shrunken, given a dispenser, etc. For some reason, the lightning ball spell also 'teleports' players around with it's strong pull, making them rapidly exit/enter any trigger they're in. These are problems with the game itself that I cannot fix, however through reworking the gamemode logic, I was able to fix the most important problems. Currently there's still an annoying bug, where if every player on the other team is hit by your lightning ball, they will all be rewarded "Last Man Standing" minicrits, but it's a small and rare enough problem that I decided I'll tackle it later.

Patch Notes:
  • Win condition is now first to 4 (from 5)
  • Kills and deaths are now tracked (thanks tf2 team!)
  • Fixed the majority of cases of players becoming a big ghost on death (and therefor considered alive, or considered contesting a control point)
    • Exceptions, such as multiple players dying at once, are now handled by a failsafe
  • Fixed an bug with the engineer's teleporter and the lightning ball spell that caused players to appropriate the attributes of ghosts
  • Fixed a couple bugged pumpkin bomb spawns
  • Fixed players becoming large ghosts if they died after a round ended
  • Fixed a case of some ghosts not getting a dispenser when dying at the same time as another player
    • This will need revisiting down the line, as it can still happen under rare circumstances.
  • More collision improvements
  • Bits of detailing
  • Ground fog is 30% less dense to improve performance and visibility




To kick off entering beta, I've added some very base-level ideas for atmosphere, assets, and sounds.

Say hello to Beamy! Beamy is a friendly ghost who wants nothing more than to help your living friends with their spectral beam of good vibes. Beamy will be replacing the standard ghost model in this version.


At the moment the model only has a very basic hover animation, but down the line, Beamy will be fully animated. Beamy will also eventually be fully voice acted, to give helpful prompts, such as "Over here!", and "Wait up!", but for now, Beamy will yell out high pitched boos. Let me know what you think!


On top of this, I've put in place some major aspects of the atmosphere.

This map will be themed after a graveyard. The spawn rooms will serve as an entrance to the graveyard, as well as a morgue. The middle building will be a part mausoleum, part crematorium. The downpour weather for the past few days has lead to a mudslide, uncovering decades, maybe even centuries of old caskets and coffins. The overwhelming amount of uncovered dead has led to the freedom of all the souls trapped inside, the ghosts now finally ascending. From the massive amount of visible spectral energy, a curse (or blessing) has been cast on the graveyard- Eternal life!

So far, I've only laid down the most basic parts of this idea. There is a drizzle of rain covering the entire map, along with spooky graveyard fog amongst the gray gravel floor. Shrubbery is dead, and the mudslide has knocked over trees in its wake. The deathpit is filled with coffins, shrouded by fog.



You can see the souls being released from their cages, rising into ascension, on top of a custom skybox for the map that turns the usual trainyard sky into a misty, nighttime version.





If you're worried about your performance suffering from some of these effects, I've tagged a lot of them as "weather", which you can disable inside your advanced options!

Going beta also comes with a few fixes and tweaks. Here are the patchnotes for Beta 1:

  • Healing ghosts now have a unique model and pitched-up sounds
  • The dispenser noises from ghosts are now much quieter
  • Added color correction
  • Added new weather effects
  • Added basic retheming
  • The control point now unlocks 1:20 into the round (previously 1:30, and before that, 1:00)
  • Fixed some exploits involving rare spells
    • NPCs spawned by rare spells will be instantly killed at the end and start of any round
    • Spells the player may be holding will be taken from them as soon as the round ends (previously when the round started)
  • Adjusted some text on the screen to have better alignment
  • Cleaned up a bit more clipping
Thanks for liking the map so far in it's development. I look forward to finishing it and seeing you all have more fun with it!

  • The spellbook that spawns when the point unlocks is now a rare spell, and only spawns once
    • The spellbook now has a particle effect to announce it's presence
  • The point now unlocks 90 seconds into a round (previously 60)
    • This should make the "Last Man Standing" bonus a more noticeable mechanic, leading to more varied battles that don't always revolve around the point
  • The Last Man Standing no longer gets increased speed
    • The player will still get mini-crits as usual
  • Made voice lines more varied
  • Fixed an edge case that was causing players to die at the start of the round
  • Reworked respawn mechanics behind the scenes to prevent players from sitting out in spectator instead of becoming a ghost
  • Fixed control point progress being staggered on the HUD
  • Fixed repeated door sounds outside the map
  • New mechanic "Last Man Standing"
    • When your team is reduced to just one player, they will be announced as the last player remaining.
    • This player will be given mini-crits, speed, and a particle effect.
    • This effect will not apply if there is only 1 player on both teams when the round starts.
This new mechanic will help the underdog, ensuring an interesting final fight. This will also make final 1V1's less of a stalemate, since the minicrit damage will more effectively counter any healing the opponent is getting from ghosts. Let me know what you think!

  • The spellbook on the log will now only appear once the control point is unlocked
    • This will stop the beginning of every round playing the same, where players would race for the spellbook right away.
    • Teams unable to contest the control point can counter a grouped-up enemy team with a well-placed spell.
  • Ghosts can now see ally positions and health
    • Fly over to a teammate who needs some help!
  • Ghost healing radius has been increased once more
  • Merasmus VO now counts down the start of the round, and now announces events like sudden death, the point unlocking, and which team won a round
  • Doors should hopefully not crush people any more
  • Win condition is now 5 (from 6)
  • Cleaned up more collisions and stuck spots
  • Added skybox particles
A3 Patchnotes:
  • Completely redid the HUD
    • There is now a counter at the top of the HUD that will display how many players are alive on each team, just like normal arena
    • The win counter looks much cleaner, now with new art
  • Turned off all of the random events for the time being
  • Text will appear on the screen to denote which team won the round
  • Changed the win condition to 6 instead of 8
  • Players without minimal HUD enabled will get a hint prompt letting them know what ghosts do
  • Fixed players being ressurected after a round ended
  • Cleaned up more collisions
  1. Add a tie system
  2. Add a balancing system for the losing team
  • Radius for the ghost dispensers are larger
  • Ghosts now drop ammo packs (previous oversight)
  • Text will now pop up on the screen when you become a ghost, letting you know that you can heal teammates
  • New hud
    • Now uses the PD hud as a base instead of a koth clock
    • The bar on the bottom tracks the wins each team has with text to hopefully explain it
    • Win condition is still the same; you dont drop cores or anything
    • Player counters will come soon
  • Fixed issues with the lava event
    • Skybox lava now matches speeds with the playspace lava
    • Cap zone trigger now gets enabled on top of the hut, so you can win by capturing in the event of a bug or an invis spy hiding some weird spot
  • Removed the "more spells" event
  • Players now get overhealed during the "huge" event
  • Sudden death now activates 120 seconds into the round
    • all players will take incrementing, doubling damage after another 60 seconds
  • Control point now takes 10 seconds to cap (previously 15)
  • Clipping improvements
  • Random bits of detail