Last playtest showed the layout had flaws, flaws that couldn't be fixed without LOTS of work, so it was easier to scrap that layout.
Since I don't want to list EVERY feature of this layout, ill just mention the key changes
- The teams push the cart to the enemy's side of the map
- The cart track is longer
- The carts are thrown into a pit and explode
- Each team has a "last" which is a defensive hold
- Skybox stuff
A lot of these changes are quite the adventurous step compared to the a5, but I'm willing to test out the limits of this game mode. (time to cap etc.) and see if it makes for a more exciting gameplay experience
ALSO I made a prefab for the logic if you wish to recreate this game mode.
There's bound to be issues with something inside, so let me know if there's any issues, or I forgot to write a note somewhere