-You no longer take falling damage when landing on the lava
-The control point is now larger, as is the main doorway leading into it
-This should help keep players safe from explosives, especially explosives fired from the balconies above the point
-It's now a little easier to approach this doorway from multiple angles by using the dividing wall between it and the former full health kit
-A ramp leading up to the control point has been flattened in order to create a sniper sightline so snipers have at least something to do on this map
-The platforms the snipers should be standing on to do this have received new cover and more health/ammo to make snipers more safe as they try to use them
-The cover also lets players land on the platform without taking fall damage, if they're precise with their lava jump
-Weakened the health leading up to the control point because the team who owns the point was using it to forward-hold a little too effectively