I feel like Spillway is overall a good map, but its layout feels a bit... unfocused I guess? The map is rather small (in comparison to like, Highpass or something), which while I personally like from a competitive standpoint, it feels like it sorta clashes with the 12v12 nature of typical TF2. The main detractor I feel the map has is, as painful as it is to say it, the outdoors portion of the map. It feels really out of the way and the trip to the Health Kit on the Helipad usually isn't worth it because a smart sniper will always be able to shoot you from their side of the map. I really do like the Helipad as a setpiece, and I think putting the Health Kit there is a good way of drawing people outside since it's a minor break from (most of) the action, but I also feel like you could do a similar thing to what Viaduct's middle does in that it has a small yet powerful barrier between the point and where players typically set up. Some of the routing is a bit weird near the spawns too, as they both direct you towards the outdoor bit, which as I stated previously is the weaker part of the map in my opinion. This is all to say, perhaps mirror to how negative my feedback has been, that I do enjoy Spillway as a KOTH map. The point is pretty fun to fight around, and I think a lot of the detailing looks pretty good in spite of its somewhat restrictive colour palette. As a mixed Scout/Sniper main, I really like how open the point is and I find myself having the most fun *at the point*, which you'd honestly be surprised how many KOTH maps get that wrong. A solid 8/10 map.
bug valve about it, not me.