
koth_crumble b15

-changed up geometry near mid in order to make it less cramped
-fixed some lighting problems
-did some detailing
-added more lights
-added 2 new spectator cameras
-changed which spectator camera players see when they load into the map
-aligned some fence props that weren't previously aligned
-removed ammo pack near the death pit next to mid to make camping there as engineer harder
-changed placement of a wall near mid to make it easier to attack players in death pit area
-did some clipping
I've already done this. NOW THIS ONE SHOULD BE THE RIGHT ONE.
-added more clipping
-created some lighting errors
-(hopefully) fixed said lighting errors
-added more details
-baked some cookies
-added a new out of bounds area
-made death pit near mid easier to fall into
-Simplified geometry near mid
-added more details
-removed wall in front of right side exit to mid
-added wall to left side of mid, in front of room with death pit
-made a nice ice cream sandwich
-Added one-way door to routes exiting courtyard outside of spawn to make spawn camping harder
-did more detailing
-fixed lighting problem in sky box
-took it to get some ice cream
-hopefully packed correctly this time
-did nothing with oil cow as it is just a figment of our collective imagination
-cool changes
-made capture zone bigger to make point easier to recapture
-made stairs near capture zone wide to also make point easier to recapture
-gave it a stern talking to
-did a little bit more detailing
-added a new out of bounds area on red's side of the map
-added more light props to make the lighting in certain areas make more sense
-reverted geometry in near spawn to b8 version in order to make spawn camping harder
-changed grass and detailsprites texture
-made A LOT of optimization changed
-moved the rocket, now crashed behind red's base
-did more detailing and such.