
Island a9_fix2

  • Recompiled all custom models to add missing model files to prevent client crashes with low model and texture settings
After nearly 4 years of waiting a new Island update has finally arrived.
  • Added a new WIP skybox. The island is no longer floating/ players can't fall off the map now
  • Added a flying airship which can shoot grenades
  • Buttons can be used with +use now
  • General map re-design with most buildings
  • Added speed ramps leading to the respawn area portal
  • Added a counter so all saxxys don't have to be collected in a specific order anymore
  • Added a new WIP disco
  • The upside-down area will be turned into an entirely new area in future updates, it servers no purpose now except getting into the credits room, which will also be changed in the next map versions
  • Added an (ai) art gallery
  • Added moving platforms
  • Added new music
- added music buttons to the stage with 5 songs, 2 more can be unlocked
- added portal particles
- an aurora borealis can be unlocked
- improved map details
- updated upside-down room
- improved lighting
- updated credits
- added game texts
- added nobuild around the upside-down room entrance
- the no player clip area in the skybox is visible now
- added a new secret
- added more health and ammo packs
- the time of the laser recharge is set to ~30 mins now instead of 12
!!! I forgot to update the soundscapes txt file in the last version of this map. This version of the a7-map is fixed (I didn't rename the map). If you have already downloaded it, please replace it with this version and delete your sound.cache files. Thx
- the soundscape volume can be adjusted in the TF2 music settings
- added more buildings
- added more hidden rooms
- a new area can be unlocked by collecting a saxxy near every moth in a specific order and then pressing the death laser button near the church
- compressed map size
- new music
! The map has an empty skybox area. It looks invisible when being in the void. Here's the location . It contains a no player clip but players can walk around it.
- compressed map
- fixed a bug with soundscapes not looping
- updated map details
(Thanks to Hannes )
Updated bsp-file.
Replace it with the old trade_island_a6 bsp file if already downloaded before the update.
- added a church (with obi-wan jesus)
- more lighttowers
- added a bridge to the church rooftop
- added multiple Baragons underwater
- added more detail to the map
- updated credits room
- I've decided to remove the new cave system
- map details
- built houses under the stages to make them more realistic
- detailed upside-down room
- upside-down room has lower gravity
- more lighting/ particle effects
- new/ updated credits room entrance
- fixed a spawn teleporter exploit
- fixed an error where the spawn door cuts though the spawn window area

-- The gravity in the upside-down room and the outide area is triggered by trigger_gravity around the teleport exit entities. I advise you not to test the map with noclip!
-- There is a very tiny cave area added to the map. It's just a test and I will work on it on a future version of the map. There is nothing important yet; you can simply ignore it.