-redesigned s1 cap a hut
-added more cover for blu to approach cap a choke
-made some pickups in blu's favour near mid hallway
-removed hidden respawn buff at track switcher.
-added back 1 way to dropdown at last
-removed rollback
-blocked sightline from inside mid house to control point 1
-Added more highground for red at cp1
-Changed blu dropdown to last to be further back
-simplified the dropdown flank to mid corridor
-changed capture time bonus for cp a s1 to match other multistage maps (thanks sono for reminding me)
-Removed Rollfoward at last
-Changed mid hallway dropdown to upper balcony for blue
-Red now has more high ground at A
-Added extra cover to A B connector
-Fixed broken door on finale flank
-Adjusted item placement on Cap A to favour defenders more (e.g more health and ammo on their side to compensate for blu's cart dispenser)
-Added more cover to Cap A