Ice Tower

Ice Tower RC7

So... when you think you’ve finished a project, remember, there's always more to do. In the case of Ice Tower, a complete revamp of the map... yep.
  • Complete revamp of the map
    • Especially artpass
  • Reduced length of some routes
  • Expanded spawns
    • Now any route you take to the control point will be more or less the same distance
  • Exchanged one-way door for one-way drop down
  • Added diagonal jump pad
  • Added Scrolling clouds
  • Complete revision of lighting... again
  • More attempts to improve optimization
  • Moved pickups around, removed some, added some
  • More snow... naturally cohesive
  • Added G-mans
  • Removed ugly custom posters
  • A lot more but I can't remember

  • Fixed snow texture.
  • Fixed missing kill trigger on pit.
  • Changed jump pad to use trigger_stun instead of hacky solution with point_clientcommand (it didn't work).
  • Reduced height of some buildings.
  • Added proper Out Of Bounds around small health kit on mid.
  • Added flat plane with scrolling texture of clouds in 3D skybox because I played RTCW recently and they used this trick a lot, I think it looks rad:
Complete revamp of the map.

This update is to test the adjustments to the layout, as well as the new artpass and optimization. The artpass was done only for the Red side, with the Blue side with temporary texture adjustments. For the final version RC7 I will create the proper artpass for the Blue side. I will also do a proper changelog for RC7.

Yep, the versioning of this map is a mess, I wish it were still in beta... Oh well.
  • Complete revision of lighting
  • Fixed inconsistencies between both sides
  • Restructured dam flank route
  • Updated to use the last version of the layout/art (based on the halloween version Frost Moon)
  • Minor adjustments to pickups
  • Minor adjustments to lighting
  • Minor adjustments to skybox
  • Added 2 seconds to the capture time (Now it takes 7 seconds to cap the point, leave feedback about that)
  • Overall improvements to optimization, clipping and gameplay.
  • Overall improvements to optimization, clipping, gameplay and art.
  • Removed custom content.
More details here (Sorry, but it's in Portuguese).
  • Fixed clipping issues.
  • Better FPS.