Beta is here.
Some artpass
Fixed players getting stuck inside the cave near point B
Fixed one-way door
Players can not jump into the building using the crates
a lot of changes that I dont remember.
Moved Bomb drop area away from red spawn.
Opened up a route before point A.
Added a small ammo before B.
Fixed collision.
Fixed cart dispenser.
Fixed cart speed after point B.
Added Cart explosion kill trigger.
Brightened ambient light.
Made last point bigger with some covers.
No more invisible walls that I accidentally placed.

A lot.

Does anybody actually read this? Like not just passing by but specifically reading this?
Added a gate after point B. The gate will open 15 seconds after capturing point B.
Added additional spawn point for Red around point B.
Blocked sniper sightline looking straight through the tunnel before point B.
After capturing point A, blue's respawn wave time is now 3 seconds.
Added another path for blue after point A is capped.
Blocked one sightline.