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Hayday (RAID) 1.0.1

Head to a haybale warehouse and compete to have the most junk in your trunk.

Head to a haybale warehouse and compete to have the most junk in your trunk.

Alright, let me level with you lot for a minute. We are f*cking begging for table scraps when it comes to funding. Turns out gravel isn't as big as those brothers thought, big surprise there, right?

RED and BLU arrive at a complex full of hay ready to be sold. Grab a haybale, fight your way out, and haul it to your truck while avoiding the other team. Things'll get pretty lethal during your trips, so utilize each mercenary's talents to succeed.

There are numerous ways to win... we aren't being picky; we need the funds.

-Be the team with the most haybales collected by the end of the round.

-Collect the quota of 50 haybales to automatically win in 120 seconds.

-Achieve the bonus of 55 haybales to win the round outright.

If you want to see some extra maps with the Raid gamemode, let me know!

To download and play the map yourself:

1) Subscribe, boot up TF2, and go to this folder address: steam/steamapps/workshop/content/440

From there, visit the folder with the matching workshop link ID, then copy-paste it into your tf/maps folder.

2) Open TF2, then go to your console and type map workshop/insert workshop link ID here to download and enter the map.


Patch #1: Removed an extra spawnpoint that was left during early development.
Padre Snowmizzle
First release
Last update
Invade CTF

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