-added cubemaps
-added a small dropdown on the path to the big houses to allow players to rotate faster
-completely redesigned the warehouse once again, making it just a very swampy shack
-merged some displacement edges and covered up others
-some attempts at optimization
-I guess that's it, hope there's no fps issues again
more than obviously the map seemed to have some optimization issues, so this entire update is dedicated to trying to decrease lag.

-added areaportals to spawnrooms
-added skybox brushes to separate regions
-added occluders
-plenty of other fps optimization attempts
-huge changes have been made to the map

-right off the bat, many buildings have been redesigned to be more unique and have their own place in the map

-New buildings include:
  • a bar-shack-thingy
  • a warehouse
  • a boiler room
  • a cozy shack with furnaces and stuff

-Replaced red's silo with an awesome windmill

-Added soundscapes

-brought back the healthkit near the sawblade

-added some funny music to the spawns

-further background detailing

-further red and blue spawnroom detailing

-further bridge detailing

-more detaling around the map

-optimizations or whatever


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-inside and outside detailing
-even more skybox detailing, now with skycards!
-slightly changed fog colors
-fixed some more props dissapearing at wrong distances
-removed a tree by blue spawn
-fixed small symmetry issues
-spawnrooms have been textured and further detailed
-removed the healthpack near the saw
-changed and added health packs
-other minor detailing but who cares
-I finally learnt how to use areaportals and hints, making some fps optimizations at least for indoor areas.

-redesigned the mid house and made it look better

-other minor detailing around

-added a small ammopack near the big buildings.
-spawnrooms have been remade
-opened up a bit of space around the point

-idk, i dont remember, not important anyways, probably a new gator or something.
-texured and detailed the buildings in front of spawn on both sides
-vast improvements to the skybox (maybe too much)
-more clipping issues solved
-more background detailing
-honestly this update was just some detailing and nothing much.
-there are sandviches 16 hidden around the map, each next to a number, can you find them?
Beta's here!

-revamped and textured the buildings leading to the point and made them awesome
-extended the silo paths to the buildings for a bit more space
-fixed even more tree climbing spots
-added more gators, current gator count: 18
-removed and changed positions of some pickups
-revamped the buildings in front of spawn
-fixed some props dissapearing when visible
-more detailing and detailing fixes
-some fps improvements and optimization

-the numbers 1 to 15 have been hidden around the map and can be found within playable bounds, can you find them?
this is AB4. NOT A4, there's a B there, it's a transition from alpha to beta, not an early version.

-shortened the point walls a bit

-more anti tree climbing maesures

-opened up mid a little bit

-pompson shots no longer travel through the saw

-changes to the structure of the buildings to mid

-there's now an area where the water is deep enough, now everyone can shut up about it.

-maw optimizatchin'
