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Fruitland RC7

RED and BLU fight over control of a Mining Mall

Based in a mall with Laboratories and Plazas, this map is set in an all-purpose shopping center that RED and BLU share together, but RED has other plans for the boring, yet surprisingly well colored building...
I wanted to make this map for the 72 Hour Jam, but I made Fuego instead, so we get this to make up for it! It is an Attack/Defend Control point with 3 control points. RED is attacking, BLU is defending. There are also a surprising amount of flank routes for being a mostly indoor map, even if the last point might be the hardest one to cap.
There are various balconies around the place that allow for more diverse gameplay, and they are mainly set around the points themselves.
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

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Latest updates

  1. Fruitland: The Functionality Update

    Added in more resupply rooms that change as the points get captured. Also improved the visuals and removed those out-of-place Skyscrapers.
  2. Fruitland RC6

    Added several things, including a second floor leading up to the first and last points, added balconies leading up to the seconde and third points, and placed some world-building things around the place.