
Medieval Excalibur B1

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Medieval Excalibur B1

A medieval ctf map for gits and shiggles

Happy Holidays Y'all!

I wanna start off by thanking some people. first of all, my little brother, for creating the basic layout and idea for this map. thanks lil bro. also, all the mapper friends who have tested the map and given nice feedback. thank y'all so much!

I also should say that this map is very simplistic right now. It will definitely be expanded on, height and layout wise. I also know about some weird bugs. like the rock clipping and the drawbridge lighting. don't worry, I'll work on it.

So, this is a capture the flag medieval map centered around two castles, each with their own Excalibur, with a river in between. you gotta capture the other teams Excalibur three times to win, and when you first cap, you're drawbridge goes down.
First release
Last update
Capture The Flag

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Latest updates

  1. Woosh

    This update was a bit rushed, but I really wanted to fix something I tried, but failed. This I changed: - Added Spectator Cams - Changed Flank even more on side of Castle - I dunno, better clipping?
  2. Ho boy

    Well.. I might have gone over the top with this one. Please tell me what's wrong and whats.. not. I'm scared of my displacements work and I may have opened one of the flanks too much. What's in this update: - Artpass - Detail - Enlarged Mid (is...
  3. I'm really bad at this

    I didn't actually.. The last version had the same name, alright?