Updated some respawn times and capture times to reflect what b18 had; want to try those timings in this map iteration at least. I also added some more health/ammo between point E and the final (skull) point, and sealed off a route from RED spawn that would let them flank BLU once point E was captured; felt too strong to have a route that'd take you there that quickly.
Adjusted some spawn times across the map; updated the file name so TF2Maps can test it proper, my b.
Alright, BLU's second forward spawn was borked, so for the time being, it's gone. May add it back at a later date.
Added an opening into the Complex from the left side when pushing up from BLU spawn, as well as made a slight forward spawn for BLU once C is captured (up in the air if it stays or not). Cleared up a player clip preventing people from hopping onto the large yellow pipe over the leftmost RED spawn door at point D for some sneaky Spy play. BLU spawn at point A has another exit, and a deck of sorts to give BLU some highground and cover, plus there's a nice full health and medium ammo pack there to boot. Given it's the first point of the map, it should be easier for BLU now, ideally.
Pay b18 no mind, it was an overcorrection beyond belief. Went back to a back-up before the heavy modifications made in b18a2 (and etc) and did some additional tweaks/fixes to improve what was present. There's less detail brushes and more world brushes, so hopefully that helps reduce the amount of visleaves being shown all at once. I removed some clutter props to clear up some areas, as well as modifying/adding routes to the final stage. Gonna run a test with b19 and go from there; b18 isn't here anymore, it cannot hurt you.
Alright, did some tweaks to the area right after the transition tunnel leading to B, adding a secondary one-way route for BLU to use, and a ladder (shh, it's probably temporary). Adjusted capture times on B, D, and the Skull point to make it easier for BLU, especially the final point. Fixed up the nav mesh, to boot!
Added some clipping around most of, if not all of, the power outlets around the map so it isn't as easy to bump into them while running along a wall. That and a single letter version is nice, no awkward dev b18a2 bs, lol.
Some nodraw and lighting had to be touched up, whoops, all good now.
So like, optimization and proper map layout, that's pretty cool stuff huh? Yeah, so I went ahead and manually cut my map into itty bitty pieces, separating each area with skybox brushes and the like so entire stages aren't all loaded at once. I've already noticed a significant increase in performance, and generally things flow a lot better for both teams. I've also redesigned some areas to accompany this massive map change, especially point E. You'll still find remnants of old buildings and set pieces used in earlier iterations of Dune, but this is arguably by far the best version you'll play. From here, its testing, tweaking, and cleaning.

Thanks for the support for Dune from the past year, I'm aiming to have it done n' sharp for the workshop this summer (one can dream, lol). Hope y'all dig it!
It's like beta 16, but better! The area around point D got some love. New flank routes and cover; as for the final point (skull), now when BLU is in the process of capping it, RED goes from a 3 second spawn wave to 0, so they'll come flooding out to fight back.