Last version had some serious framerate issues, so I spent some time figuring out how optimization works. I think things have improved significantly, but there's still more room for improvement.

- Added areaportals & prop fade.
- Unclipped & lowered roof on back route to allow jumping classes to go over it.
- Added some cables because why not.
- Changed VRAD settings for better lighting on static props and textures.
A new update is here! This time the changes have been exclusively visual, besides a few minor fixes. However, this does officially mark the beginning of the Beta stage, since the layout is at a point where I'm happy with how it works for each different gamemode.

- Added Stiffy360's Aspen Trees, which I'm super happy with. They really bring the whole forest together! If you wanna use them too you can find them here.
- (almost) Finished detailing the exterior of each team's buildings.
- Updated 3D skybox to make it feel less disconnected from the actual map and add more detail.
- Created cubemaps.
- Fixed collisions on some railings.
As a sidenote, I finally learned how to test my maps with bots in this game, so hopefully in the future the gameplay side of things won't be tested so blindly, lol.

I'm really excited to be reaching this stage of development. I haven't been able to make it this far with any mapping project before, so this is a bit new for me and there's tons of things I'm not familiar with. Hopefully I can push through to the end!​
New update for all variants of the map! I'm thinking next version will be the first beta version, since I'm already working on the last few buildings that are left completely blank, and from there all that's left is polishing, finishing up the visuals and optimizing.
I know working on detailing from the start wasn't the greatest idea, but honestly I might try this workflow again, lol. Not only is it a lot faster, it helps me stay motivated to see a full project the whole way through.

- Un-blocked one-way door in KOTH mode (and Arena, oops!)
- Changed pickups at dropdown in spawn to be more useful (and make them the same in both sides, oops!)
- Removed some rocks around mid to de-clutter it and make it more traversable.
- Changed cover around the bridge to compensate for missing rocks.
- Removed collisions on some props.
- Added more clipping.​