Down Under

Multi Stage Down Under b7f6

-changed shadow properties on brush entities to try and avoid crashing
-lowered ground under bridges to make more room for payload riders
-raised land bridge on stage 1
-raised first bridge on stage 3
-attempted to fix new crash by disabling shadows on some brush entities
-removed some more entities to lower the overall entity count even more
-discovered the map was crashing due to going over the edict limit and attempted to fix it by deleting and optimizing a crap load of stuff
-cried inside a little
-attempted to fix crashing
-clipping fixes
-engies building where they shouldn't be fixes
-thanks Boonie for letting me know about that previous stuff
-detailed all 3 stages
-attempts at optimization of said detailing
-probably some layout stuff too I honestly don't remember
-overall lighting changes
-pushed A forward
-adjusted health and ammo packs to try and help blu attack last
-fixed seams

-fixed seams
-minor detail changes

-increased fog z-clip plane

Stage 1
-changed spawn gate exit for the cart of blu spawn to the taller gate
-added route from mine tunnel to upper balcony between A and B

Stage 2
-adjusted geometry into last cave to try and block sightlines better and help attackers make full used of the flanks into the cave
-adjusted clipping on the top of the dump trucks
-adjusted dirt in the main dump truck

Stage 3
-added route near dump truck in stage 2
-adjusted geometry in left building after A in stage 1
-did nothing to stage 3
-updated payload model
-probably some other things
-blocked sightline
-edited blu spawn

-made croc death pit more obvious

-adjusted area above portable stairs near A to help direct players better
-fixed setup gates

-lowered red respawn time from 10 to 8
-put all 3 stages together
-widened some paths in stage 3
-added arrow for red first spawn in stage 3 to try and help direct players better
-added route to high ground after A in stage 2
-moved around some geometry for the side entrance into the cave of Stage 2
-did nothing to stage 1