Despair Heights

Despair Heights rc0c_w

- Partially detailed mid and red's deathpit
- Added detailing to the right most route out of spawn
- Adjusted detailing across the map
- Increased the overall light sources around the map to reduce the amount of shadowy spots
- Made most of the light in red's side of the map slightly yellower
- Split the floor displacement in the courtyard into multiple power 3 displacements, which used to be one power 4 displacement
- Clipping fixes
- Slightly elevated capture area
- Removed the shutter doors at mid
- Made the map slightly brighter
- Removed top down view spectator camera at mid
- Removed the experimental cover around mid and added the previous one back
- Made the stair case next to the shutter door at mid less narrow
- Closed off the route below the point for the time being until I can cope and come up with a "solution" to make it better
- Added detailing to the area before mid
- Added a few directional arrows
- Changed the texture of the shutter doors at mid
- Clipping fixes
- Other minor changes
- Added experimental cover around mid
- Lowered the highest wall covering the mid point a bit and removed the clipping from it
- Made the map very slightly brighter, and tried to make the lighting a bit less boring
- Made it more obvious that the shutter doors below the point are usable
- Added a skull sign to the deathpit area
- Fixed the rain not being flagged as a weather effect
- Clipping fixes
- Added detailing to the spawn areas
- Added more cover around the map
- Adjusted the shutter door wall at mid to create a little crevice
- Added some pipes as a little ledge players can walk on in the deathpit area
- Other smaller adjustments were made across the map
- Added rain
- Added cubemaps
- Added hdr
- Added fog
- Added spectator cameras
- Tweaked lighting
- Made the size of most stairs more consistent
- Clipping fixes
- Other minor changes
- Added a staircase outside the tunnel area in order to make rotations back to the point faster
- Removed the ceiling on the point; added extra walls in compensation to block some sightlines
- Elevated the ground below the medium health pack in the tunnel area
- Made the capture zone slightly larger
- Changed the full ammo pack at the deathpit area to a medium
- Reduced the amount of health packs around the map
- Clipping fixes
- Added a new building route that is connected to the spawn transit area at the right and the death pit
- Adjusted the courtyard before mid; mainly made it less messy and easier to traverse
- Reduced the length of area before mid; increased the length of the transit areas outside of spawn in compensation
- Adjusted area outside of spawn to make it less boring
- Slightly adjusted death pit area
- Put a small crate prop on the high ground over the point so it's easier for classes to reach buildings that are placed on the bigger crate
- Other minor changes
- Reduced capture time slightly
- Slightly adjusted the death pit area in order to make a sightline less broken
- Added a little bit of chicken wire to mid
- Added a little bit of detailing to mid
- Made all walls very slightly higher
- Clipping fixes
- Added a new high ground over the point
- Changed the roof on top of the point
- Added a small route to the left in the courtyards in order to make pushing through that part easier
- Adjusted the death pit area
- Adjusted the mid flank
- Small adjustments to the courtyards
- Made the courtyard before the point longer as an attempt to make it less cramped
- Made the area outside of spawn shorter
- Removed the chicken wire in the tunnel below the point
- Removed nobuild from the water barrels
- Added a little bit of detailing
- Made the map brighter
- Clipping fixes
- Other minor changes
- Changed the ladders to normal ramps instead
- Added a gap to the railings
- Adjusted the crate props at mid to be smoother to fight around