Crystal Canyon

Multi Stage Crystal Canyon b18

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Multi Stage Crystal Canyon b18

An abandoned version of Cactus Canyon

"RED Team wants to build a new base in the canyon, while BLU Team want to preserve it. As usual, the only way to settle this is with an explosion."

An in-progress, still unfinished reskin of Cactus Canyon that "abandonifies" the map, which adds Flowers, Trees, crystals, grass...the list goes on!. All three stages have unique themes within them. Stage 1 is a temple/ construction themed stage. Stage 2 will be temple-based, and Stage 3 will have overgrown plants and stuff.

Progress report:
----------Stage 1---------
Mostly finished. A few buildings need retexturing to fit the theme.

----------Stage 2---------
Unfinised: Buildings need to be replaced ()the granary drums WILL be replaced at some point. Need to also add aesthetic details too.

----------Stage 3----------
Unfinished: See above. I have added models to the train, such as rockets and gravel containers.

Bugs: Lots, considering this is in beta.
- Water does not render properly
- You can still see under the map in certain areas
- Heavy optimisation needed (portals need to be added, as well as other stuff to save on disk space and run-map times.)

Enjoy the map!
Dribbleondo - Au Yeah
First release
Last update

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  1. Added more aesthetics to Stage 2.

    Stage 1: Received numerous aesthetic changes, including better textured buildings and spawn rooms. Stage 2: Finishing up on final aesthetic changes (adding more destroyed buildings, rubble and crystals.) Still need to add more water. Stage 3...