CPPL Puerto

Multi Stage CPPL Puerto Stage 1 - Beta 3

Yeah you heard that right, Puerto is now fully combined and ready to roll, the new download link is here
Due to popular request, removed the Degroot Keep mechanics and turned the stage into a simple 3 cp with a pyramid play style

Played around with post-processing to reduce the amount of bloom
Added a few new audio sources around the map
Named the points

Adjusted light in point C building to be more powerful and made the ammo kit it is highlighting more clear
Reworked decorative logic a bit
Swapped signage and lettering of points A and B around (B is for the beach right?)

Fixed several issues with collision being on props and rooftops when they shouldn't be
Reduced large health kit by point A (now B) to a medium health kit, also lowered the board down and adjusted the clipping to get up to it
Added small arrows (w/ paint) to hopefully encourage people to try out the tile rooftops
Reduced amount of time Blue has to attack point C (was 90 seconds, now 60 seconds [on par with Degroot Keep])

Reworked opening from point C to red spawn to be windows instead

Adjusted the upper entrance to point B (now A) to be more clear when entering the capture zone
Added player clipping to flowerbed outside point B (now A)
Adjusted truck driver's courtesy

Added a medium ammo kit within point C to help red engineers build faster

Moved around some health and ammo and adjusted quantities for each a little bit
Red is now forced respawned as soon as point C is enabled
Welcome to Puerto Fortaleza! Welcome to cppl_puerto!

Beta time has come!

Everything has a new coat of paint, sounds have been added to give Puerto Fortaleza life, and a whole lot more!

While this map is still under development, beta is nearly a time for me to iron out visual issues and smaller gameplay problems before squishing stage 1 and stage 2 together!
A mid-art pass build for use on Katus's gameday.
Red Spawn and Towing: Not yet final
Point B Courtyard: Half finished, OOB not final

Other things not covered by "it's an art pass":
The large building out of spawn for blue on point A's side has been raised and blocked with a player clip
Reworked the health pack area near point C coast to reduce the need for a prop jump
Fixed rouge player clip above point B. hope you didn't get a concussion!
Simplified the detail work by the broken promenade piece near blue spawn
Removed entrance into point B's courtyard and added a roof that can be jumped to, stopping the sightline that existed before
Added several small walls to stop a majority of the sightlines from blue spawn to point A
Fixed a problem with the game awarding massive amounts of points to attackers
Upon capturing either point A or point B, Blue receives an additional 5 seconds to their timer (or 10 seconds total per cycle)
Improved the jump from garage to step watcher
Blue now gets halved respawn time during point C attack (normal time is 4 seconds, goes down to 2 seconds during C attack)
Added/ moved around health and ammo kits (mostly ammo kits) around point B courtyard to help Blue build up momentum
Added a new pair of health and ammo kits outside the blue entrance to point A to help blue build up momentum
Refined the roofline of the corner-shaped building attached to blue spawn to make it match the rest of the building
Fixed health and ammo kits which were in the wall near point A
Added in more roofs that can be jumped over or stood upon (denoted by a different coloring)
Shortened the height of the fence by Red's A spawn exit
Added a prop jump from the big door at C's promenade to the lower bit
Smashed both windows by the big old door for more pushing power by blue
Fixed logic that had the control point disabled sound effects playing when reaching overtime
Played around with HDR settings
Changed the cover at C to be partially made of glass, which should help with recognizing sentries when approaching the point from the door
Added sound effects for when point C is relocked
Added box near the fence in B courtyard to aid in scout double jumps
Replaced door with a brush-based one, to stop door-related collisions
Center point B sign on the inside
Added inputs to gamerules to define team roles
Ported fog settings (and Z plane) from Stage 2
Fixed strange lighting on Blue's fence in spawnroom
Added an extra sign to B courtyard
Changed the logic for overtime problem detection and prevention
Thinned out some of the buildings in B's courtyard
Widened the slopes between A and B a little bit
Removed the cut-through by the beachside orange building
Raised the roof in the lower half of Blue's spawn room

Changed the trim color of Blue's respawn room to blue to help with team spawn room recognition
Blue spawn has been reworked, especially the back half
Replaced all roller doors in blue spawn to orange setup gates

Increased the height of the fences on the curved staircase leading to point B, also added an extra bit of greenery to fill out the space
Barely increased the width of the ramps leading up to point B (like literally 16 hu, not too much I can do, that area is pretty cramped as is
Moved Red Spawn's A resupply to make it not too much out of the way (though it is in the same place, just on the same level as the door)
Removed the building in front of Blue's leftmost spawn door, and replaced it with a set of fences that essentially serve the same purpose and look better
Removed the glass in Point B's building and adjusted the opening to replace its space. Hopefully, this makes the point feel more open and less cramped
Adjusted point C's leftmost courtyard to expand it a bit and add a planter, also adjusted doors, all to cut down on sight lines in the area
Flipped flopped the rightmost entrance and the large panel of glass leading into point C rightmost entrance into point Cs
Widened the final slope from the coast to point C to be slightly wider

Added the ammo and health kits in the sniper window overlooking point A

Added extra signage in hopes Red can navigate better with it

Reduced blue's respawn time by one second (was 5 seconds, now it is 4)

Widened and raised the ceiling of the building overlooking point A

Added clip brush to the right side (or left side depending on how you look at it) car near point A to prevent getting stuck

Planters have had their clipping removed and sand raised a bit

Added an elevated platform along the red building and some smashed glass looking into point C. Hopefully, this will help red move quicker once points A and B reset. Also, this should allow Blue to put explosives directly on point C from outside the building

Hopefully fixed a bug where if point C gets reset in overtime, points A and B can be captured

Added extra foliage
Changed the main doorway into point C to a functional door.
Added a super tiny doorway into point C building from point B, adjusting nearby health and ammo kits accordingly.
Changed capture time for points A and B to 6 seconds (was 4 seconds).
Reduced blue's time to capture point C to 90 seconds (was 120 seconds).
Widened the corner inside the room near point A to accommodate the new health and ammo location.

Reworked OOB area in blue's spawn to require less no draw.
Added a ramp to Red's A spawn exit for easier access without mobility.
Moved the red resupply locker closest to A door slightly.
Moved the red resupply locker closest to B door into the house with the exit for better visibility.
Added a feature to blue spawn to hide the door when it is opened.

Fixed point B's prop not changing team colors on blue cap.
Redistributed health and ammo kit locations and sizes throughout points A and B play spaces.
Added extra stairs to the curved stairs near B for smoother traversal.

Lowered the water level along the coast.
Added extra rocks in the ocean to disrupt a sniper sight line.
Raised red buildings to prevent jump shooting from fencing.
Raised the skybox considerably.
A complete reworking of point B has been done, the point has been rotated 180 degrees to allow for more space for B's areas
A complete rework of Red's spawnroom has been done. This moves the spawn room behind point C and allows for the courtyard area where the spawn room was before to be a better gameplay space

Adjusted stairway leading up to point C from the coast
Increased the time that point C is available to 2 minutes (from 1 minute)
Updated respawn times for each team away from their defaults (currently blue 5 secs and red 7 secs)
Adjusted the roofline of the orange building near point A and textured it to ensure players know they can't jump over it
Reworked (mostly visually) the doors and stairs leading to point A to make it make sense that a car can get down there
Simplified the jump onto the promenade from blue spawn via the beach

Added Stack the Deck cards to the spawn rooms for each team

Added spectator cameras
Fixed blue spawn doors opening the wrong way
Fencing in blue spawn has been modified to allow players to jump over the top of it
Adjusted healthkit near red spawn to be smaller
Adjusted the roofline of the orange building near point A and textured it to ensure players know they can't jump over it
Removed lone sunken boat near blue spawn (it will be missed)
Adjusted windows leading/ pointing at point A to be taller to make the jump out of them a little bit better
Reworked sea area near blue spawn to look better
Fixed many visual no-draw and skybox edge bugs
Opened up the interior transitional building a bit to allow for additional legroom
Changed the skin on Blue's pickup truck outside of spawn to be blue and not red (we also killed the traitor)
Lowered the half-circle glass room near point B