This map is very based, It reflects on what tf2 as a game is about, a constant struggle between the opposing teams in small but not too cramped areas with tiny doors connecting them, Mappers have seemingly strived to stray away from valves masterful brushstrokes only to fail, This map however is a ultimate example of what current mappers should aspire to be which is to be different from the crowd of highly competitive maps where every brush is scrutinzed and detail removed, The control points on this map show me that the creator really knows what tf2 veterans yearn for and have sadly seen replaced which is very good dustbowl style maps that focus on teamwork in dustbowl ill always know that right behind me is a teammate who will defend me if any attackers come in unlike later maps like gorge where classes like heavy and spy have no chance of defending themselves as the entire map is a sightline with no cover this map however molds the sniper class to fit into the map design telling sniper mains around the world that no we will not put up with this we will not stand for this skill does not mean you should go around killing everyone while your poor team kills the 1 spy trying to kill you no this map makes perfect use of sightlines around the point to guide players directly in areas snipers find fun and gives them an advantage over them, In conclusion this map is based.