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Cortex rc1

It's Big Brain Time!

The secrets of the universe lye within the depths of the human brain, and a a pair of giant twin human brains want to unlock them. Kill your enemies and sacrifice their minds to appease these two else risk becoming brainless yourself. So collect as many as you can and hop into the otherworldly mindscape to score. Now quickly, Into The Vortex!

Halloween version of pd_toxicity
First release
Last update
Player Destruction

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Latest updates

  1. The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste

    -clipping fixes -inverted hill to teleporter in cap zone and added more hazard lines to try and make it more obvious where it is -clipping fixes -removed floating sconce -detailing -lighting changes -fixed stickies being able to be hidden IN the...
  2. Gotta clear this shelf space so I can put a shelf in it

    -fixed some detail problems -added some effects to teleporting
  3. So close I can almost taste it, and it tastes like rainbows

    -optimization -fixed the models causing lag at mid -detailing -down pitched announcer to sound less harsh on the ears -lighting changes -clipping fixes -menu photo's added -custom description added -custom .res file added for pd hud -more brains...