Coalpit 72

Past 72hr Jam Entry Coalpit 72 a1v2

I think this version is ready for playtesting, though I didn't get as many changes as I wanted done in time. I may just keep working at a version 3 while playtests are happening and then submit it at the end. Things that have been changed with this version so far:
- Doubled the brightness of every light on the map
- Less heinous HDR and bloom settings
- Larger buffer zone between A/B and C
- Simplified routes and added highground from A to C
- Reworked most pickups on C
- Added boards between steps on C
- Fixed respawnrooms not allowing class change in some spots
- Added more resupply lockers to blu spawn
Moved from pre-alpha to alpha! Major changes include:
Near-fully enclosed cave
Revamped full compile lighting
New routes into A for both sides
Reworked connections to C
Health and ammo pickups
Functioning spawnrooms & logic
Rebalanced point capture times