|visual enhancements
+added some basic texturing
|moved the exit for the chute to drop down right next to the point instead of on the platform next to it
-removed the second sun
|changed the time that the losing team gets faster respawns from 15 ->10 seconds after the enemy team begins capping
|improved clipping around the chute
|soundscape improvements
|visual changes
+added new mechanic, cap timer will now shorten by 20 second if no teams have capped in two minutes
|completely redid most of the logic, with a new technique, should now have less bugs
|redid the drop-down route, should hopefully consolidate more players to mid?
|nerfed some giga sightlines
-removed the forward spawn mechanic for the time being
|trying yet another method to make sure the forward spawn bug is fixed
|trying a different solution to hopefully fix this bug
+added a "double-check" to the capturezone, which should hopefully fix cases where the winning team gets forward spawns.
|fixed missing soundscapes for blu and forward spawns
(upon further testing it seems that this bug still exists even after this fix, will attempt to come up with a better solution later)
+added new mechanic, losing team now get a forwards respawn after 15 seconds
|increased losing team respawn wave time by 2
|fixed missing patches underneath some pickups
|fixed a perch point
|changed and improved soundscapes
|fixed z-fighting doors
-removed some cover on the point to make it harder to hold
-removed duplicated light entity

|increased winning team's respawntimes to 10
|reduced losing team's respawntimes to 2
|increased cap time by 5 seconds
|fixed z-fighting respawnroom visualizers
|increased skybox height
|improved clipping on the crates

+added voicelines to when an enemy stands on the cap
|attempted to nerf some giga sightlines