
Cherokee a11

  • Added new room to far right side of lobby
  • Added bridge between lobby and left flank building
  • Made the mid exits from lobby a balcony dropdown
    • Makes it harder to enter the lobby
    • Gives more space for team to hold onto their own lobby
- Added soundscapes
- Fix clipping in a few areas
- Add texture to the cover wall on mid
- Removed mid bypass dropdown
- Moved health and ammo on cliff further back to encourage engineer / force sniper to somewhat commit to a shot; upgraded ammo to a medium
- Added cover to point
- Fixing clipping on a bunch of props
- Reduced the size of the trees to allow for more space for soldier and demo rollouts to cliff
- Removed railings on patio in front of mid
- Added small ramp leading up to the stump
- Added some displacements
- Detail Sprites to grass
- Made hallway left of spawn less boring
- Added some rocks
- Fixed invalid vertex brushes
- Changed right lobby wall to be see through
- Lots of clipping
- More props to horse around on
- Some tree variety
- Made a not shit glass texture
- Added 2 sightline blockers
- Rotated map 90 deg so i can load it into coldmaps easier
- Added clipping
- Area Portals
- Cubemaps
- A few nick nacks here and there
- Fixed (sorta) a slight line from lobby to spawn
- Added missing clipping
- Readded the cliff but with some sightline blockers
- Side route is now a dropdown
- Removed cliff entirely
- Shank size of mid area significantly (maybe underscaled now?)
- Reworked spawn routes
- Readded flank around the cap
- Reworked lobby
- Changed rocks around stump to be better blockers
- Consolidated routes around mid area
- Added ramp to sniper balc
- Add second big ass tree to add cover to mid
- Remove the sun
- Attempt at making the routes flow better together
- Cut the flank buildings to force players to walk through the cap area
- Removed lower cave
- Added cave and bridge to cap point
- Moved some rocks around
- Raise ground near cap