
Canyonpush b1b

-Packed missing stuff I guess
-Cart is slightly faster
-Fixed navigation
-Fixed few displacements
-Edited advanced mission a bit
-Fixed first capture point not resetting on wave win
-Added respawnroom entity to the first robot spawn
-Modified timings a bit
-Added second controlpoint for players
-Added forward spawn for robots
-Reduced round time to 4+4 minutes
-Fixed timings
-Fixed carts automatic movement speed
-Clipped one stairs
-Improved payload cart collision
-Made the cart smaller
-The cart keeps moving automatically at 66% speed when you leave it. The cart stops when robots touch it
-Wave time is now 10 minutes, however you still can't lose even if you reach overtime
-Moved control point to make capping easier
-Players have the whole cave as setup room and it unlocks after 20 seconds
-The cart unlocks in 20 seconds too
-The mission is now easier, less robots and more delays and it scales better now when time passes (harder robots)
-Some robots roam now and don't go for the cart (intel)
-Remembered to pack custom stuff, damn it