- Removed the "sv_allow_point_servercommand check" logic, as it doesn't work outside of listen servers
- Added the standard "force-respawn-on-goal" logic
- Added a filter to the func_clip_vphysics brushes, so they exclusively block pipeballs as intended
---- In prior versions, they also blocked a number of projectiles. Sorry, Demoman mains!
- Made the Black Ball warning less intense
- Made the pipeballs slightly lighter
- Added a glow to the pipeballs to improve visibility
- Redesigned the entire map to be block several sightlines, as well as make everything more interesting.
- Lowered the bridge at mid to be at the same height as the area surrounding it
- Added a small heathkit near mid
- Split the rear arena entrance into two doorways to better resemble other Pipeball maps
- Shortened the map by ~256hu on both sides
- Made the 'sniper deck' larger, and added additional cover
- Increased the ammopack from a small to a medium
- Added a flank that brings players just past mid
- Doors are not locked during setup
- Pipeball glowing isn't consistently enabled
- Player and pipeball shadows are, to put it lightly, funky.