-Closed off a chunk of the area outside of blue spawn to size-down the area, the far Blue spawn exit has been moved as a result, now it directly faces the cart starting position
-Closed off the building right next to Blue spawn
-Added a floor window that allows sight into the tunnel that the cart passes through in the starting area
-Adjusted the outer flank building around A to hopefully make it more intuitive and fun to use
-Completely overhauled B again, the area has been downsized further, and B point itself is now on a bridge, the underpass can be walked through and includes health and ammo
-Overhauled the building by B to make it a proper holding ground for defense and Engineers, and hopefully allowing for better rotate times for Red
-The building also now integrates better into the outer flank leading into C
-The overpass past the B point now has a roof, mostly just for aesthetics, and jumping classes can stand on top of it (We’ll see how this goes)
-The dropdown area by the deathpit past B that housed the full health has been severely shortened, only leaving the lowest entrance to the water tower building
-The outer flank leading into C has been adjusted as well, no longer being low ground and now being more streamlined and hopefully more useful as a staging area
-The flank with the one-way door leading to Red’s final spawn now locks once C is capped, only allowing for exit via the one-way door and no re-entry
-Adjusted respawn times
-Adjusted health and ammo
-Replaced the square letter signs with the hexagonal ones made by Entropy