• Bots no longer fall through the map. They may still have weird movements or get stuck, but not much I can do once they're off the navmesh
  • Flattened the area outside spawns to prevent getting stuck on teleporters
  • Made sentries properly show blueprints while being carried
  • Made tent models smaller to better represent the hitbox
  • Added trimp spots across the maps
  • Angled some rocks to better serve as ramps
  • Reduced cap time for mid and lasts
  • Taught the mage bots to aim slightly better
  • Removed side control points. Replaced them with a simple tent that's not cappable
  • Reworked bot movement. It's still jank, but less jank hopefully
  • Removed bot collisions with players
  • Reduced the number of bots spawned
  • Made bots ignore cloaked/disguised Spies
  • Changed the timer to a regular timer (so this is now regular 3CP)