
aaaa A21_2

Ignore the last 'no update will come for a bit'

*Added a route at mid that leads from the shack area to the staircase behind the sniper platform, hopefully this makes the sniper position more vulnerable - more may be done in the future to further weaken the position, but I think giving attackers easy access to the sniper is the key change

*Moved the staircase in the bases which leads from the lobby to the intel area, now attackers have to go slightly further into the bases to escape. This should stop quick sneaky caps by soldiers and force people to properly use the base routes

*Fixed some clipping and some signs around the map
*Rotated spawns to face mid more
*Changed unrealistic paint to some basic planks
*Upped opening speed of intel dropdown door

*Probably some minor changes I've not listed

I'm planning on giving attackers a little more height on leaving the intel area, just to ensure that sentries around spawn aren't too strong against them - there's nothing much they can do against a well placed sentry if their team is not backing them up
I think I'm happy with this layout right now, and I don't see any major changes to make - because of this I'll probably not update this for a bit, unless something big comes up.

*Clipped a nook near the intel

*Made roofs of buildings solid so you can't see into spawn/etc
*Made the mid silo hollow, with a dropdown connecting the top and bottom layers (to hopefully make it a bit more interesting)

*Clipped step-ups around the map that lead from displacements to the indoor areas

*Fixed some broken overlays
*Fixed disp seams at mid

I think I'm pretty happy with this layout for now, I don't see myself making many large changes to it (small patches if anything)
*Fixed some clipping
*Plugged the gap between the platform and the big silo out of spawn

*Made main intel room exit wider, and the side exit smaller
*Repositioned a pallette so you can jump up the stack of boxes more easily

*Reduced the amount of HP on the lowground intel route

*Probably a few more minor things I forgot

I'm considering some small mid changes to make it more interesting, like giving more access to the central silo ledge for non-jumper classes - currently mid feels a tad boring and I want to remedy that

Thanks to everyone who tested this
Screenshots as of A10_2:
A9 was actually pretty good, I'm happy with it and people seemed to enjoy it
This update seeks to eliminate some of the dead space around the intel area, and to give people exiting the intel area better options

*Merged back intel route with the main route
*Added a staircase up from the lowground main route to the highground so players aren't stranded on the lowground for such a long time
*Moved the doorway to the intel into red's lobby, so everything is a bit closer together
*Cut out back dropdown area, now the intel upper route is more compact
*Added some health for attackers in the area
*Made the intel room slightly shorter
*Changed intel grate texture to a better more visible grate

*Added a grain conveyor at mid to allow a jump up to the sniper balcony - hopefully this is ok

*Rotated spawns to face both spawn exits more

*Fixed dynamic shadows
*Fixed respawn times hopefully??
*Probably some misc things I forgot

Thanks to everyone who tested A9
*Restored map to the original layout, I gave up on it too easily and the new one was worse
*Added a route from the 'lobby' to the intel routes to lessen the awful rotation times from before
*Raised spawns to help against camping
*Remade mid
*Redid base geo to make the lobby area more clearly highlighted to anyone leaving the bases, to simplify it all a bit too - hopefully this helps players a little with orientation??
*Lowered lower base route again
*Maybe more stuff, idk
*Made map smaller overall
*Merged routes to the right of spawn
*Killed some dead space

I think that's the main stuff for this update
Reflecting on it, the biggest issue with the map is that I've not got a clear vision on what I want the map to be. Maybe it's that I'm not experienced with symmetrical gamemodes to know what a good area looks like, or that I'm just not motivated - at the end of everything I just don't know what I want to design my map closer to

This update brings:
*Moved spawns to the middle of the bases area
*Closed off the area under the bridge
*Closed off the window on the bridge
*Partly decluttered the bases area, still messy but I want to have enough routes for camping to not happen - perhaps I'll do a full rework at some point
*Flipped mid
*Restored intel upper area size
*Smoothed disps
*Fixed gbj
*Probably more changes I've forgotten

Ty to everyone who's feedbacked it so far, and wilson for his harsh yet fair + necessary comments
This update brings:
*Shrunk bases slightly
*Highlighted bases to people using the main route at mid more
*Shrunk intel upper layer again
*Slightly simplified mid and the bases
*Misc clipping/routing changes
*Added towers at mid to act as 'landmarks' of sort (and changed ground texture to make the area clearly different
*Raised and moved back exit of intel room
*Smoothed out disps across the map
*Began the invasion
*Maybe some more things I've forgotten

Hopefully this helps to push people towards the bases route more. I want people to flow through the bases to the intel room before quickly going back to mid, instead of having everyone go straight to the intel room from the lowground
This update brings:
*A new mid design, that's hopefully more suited to CTF
*Cover on the bases to stop snipers sitting in spawn and stopping the intel from being capped
*Other small changes

Thank you to everyone who tested and gave feedback on the gameday!