
aaaa A21_2

*Added a 3rd highground exit to spawn, hopefully this cuts down on spawncamping a bit while also not letting defenders have a tight control on the spawnyard

*Made a wall at mid thinner to hopefully discourage engineer building there
*Removed mid balcony railing again

*Changed the block shape in the intel upper area to give sentries less cover, maybe this'll work
*Shortened main intel doorway, added a window - this should make the sightline weaker
*Widened back intel exit doorway

*Changed some ammo pack values around to influence where engineers set up
*Fixed misc clipping/prop issues
*Tripled moneyface count
*Probably things I forgot

This will almost definitely be the last update of the contest, deadline is in like 7 hours. I'm really happy with people's reactions to this, I'm glad I've made a CTF map that's enjoyable to play on
Final contest update aside from bugfixes! Overall I'm happy with how this has gone, I've never touched ctf before (aside from a badly designed one from a long long time ago), so I'm surprised how this went! People seemed to quite enjoy the map, and designing it was an interesting experience.

*Added balcony railings at mid again

*Slightly reworked intel dropdown, on a suggestion by chin

*Made it clear you can't go under some steps

Thanks to everyone who feedbacked and gave opinions on this map.
*Made base silos higher res
*Removed top part of big base silo to slightly help with landmarking (as mid has one already)

*Removed balcony railing on mid
*Added a jump route onto the platforms at mid
*Made lowground route wider
*Made silo ledge slightly wider

*Added a shortcut from the lobbies to the intel upper area - now 1 way to prevent teams flowing into the defender lobbies
*Added a no fall damage trigger under the dropdowns
*Removed the upper dropdown door, only the lowest one was necessary really
*Raised back exit up slightly
*Added hazard tape around dropdowns and intel pickup area to highlight them more

*Likely small misc fixes that I've forgotten/won't bother putting

Screenshot update (finally):



See title
I'm a dumb bitch and forgot to move the visgroup for spawns too
Not writing a changelog bc I want this out quickly for the imp
The gist of this update is making the intel upper route harder to turtle in, making the bases harder to camp, reducing dead space in the bases/intel areas and making mid a tad more interesting. Intel dropdowns and exits have been changed
*Added a medium pack at mid, removed some small packs

*Added rounded corners in the upper intel area to make sentries harder to build safely
*Widened the main route there for attackers
*Moved the defenders entrance to the area upwards + thinned the doorway, hopefully attackers stop using that doorway and focus on the intel
*Fixed sentries in the dropdown
*Tweaked dropdown so you shouldn't get stuck anymore

*Fixed clipping around spawn
*Fixed signs on red being blue (I just forgot to change them when I copied them over)

*Changed ammo in the lobby from a large to a medium

*Made entrances to mid less appealing for attackers (lower route 192 -> 160, upper route now a little shorter)

This update works to force attackers more towards the intel, and to stop turtling in the upper intel area by defenders. Hopefully this is more enjoyable now
This update seeks to revert some of the changes I've done in the past few versions, due to me worrying about a comment made by idolon on a15

*Removed back passage connecting the shack to the sniper area, this was being used as a route into the bases too much
*Removed upper route around the silo, it was awkward highground that let you cross to the enemy team's shack area too easily
*Raised rocket jumper ledge

*Moved the intel exit path to the lobby closer to where it was in A10 so attackers can get past defences a bit more easily
*Changed the back intel exit from the intel to pass through a building, gives the attackers more cover and a way to bypass/attack sentries in the area more easily

*Moved intel windows closer to the dropdown area
*Made water shallower
*Made water texture better so you can always see people in it
*Moved medium healthpack
*Added a 2nd dropdown just so there's another valid option, and for faster rotation times from the window area, so flushing out defences is easier
*Made floor dropdowns are in a grate so that you can see anyone in the water/anyone above you if you're in the water

*Adjusted clipping on grates so there's a nice clink when you walk on it
*Probably smaller misc changes that I've forgotten

I hope the new mid area isn't too boring
*Moved staircase in connectors so everything is a tad more linked (right side)

*Hydrated intel dropdown area, another test for rocket jumping I guess (maybe this'll be cooler??)

*Changed ammo distribution around the intel room

*Made back doorway to sniper balcony thinner, it was too large before somewhat
*Rotated hole in silo so there aren't nasty sightlines through it

*Probably small misc changes I forgot?? or can't be bothered to list, I'm listening to music

Hopefully the compile didn't die I put little effort into it
*Moved defender's entrance to the intel upper route onto the relative lowground, so that attackers can have a tigher control on this and defenders are forced to guard the entrance to the intel upper route instead of pestering enemies there already

*Made small health in the intel room into a medium one so that attackers don't have to push out so far just for health

*Made intel dropdown into a 2-door system so jumping classes cannot escape back up. This should also force people to use the windows as the dropdown cannot be used for spamming rockets anymore.

*Switched small and medium health at the lower mid connector and inside mid itself

*Probably some smaller misc changes I've forgotten

I may change the jump-up prevention method in future versions or apply them to future CTF maps (if I make any) - thanks to everyone, especially toopliss, who gave suggestions on potential solutions
*Made mid thinner by 64HU
*Added routes up to the (now middle) ledge on the silo
*Added a higher jump-class only ledge on the silo again, like the one in A10

*Made the main lobby entrance wider to be more enticing to players leaving spawn

*Made the intel dropdown thinner and a deeper drop to discourage rocket jumping back out

*Fixed misc clipping/displacement issues
*Probably some smaller things I'm forgetting