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Grist A4


Hey look, an Attack/Defend map? That I made? Yes, I finally got around making a map that isn't KotH. Welcome to CP Grist, a Granary themed Attack/Defend map with 2 control points. It isn't very large, but matches can take upward of 10 minutes to finish, which gives it somewhat of a Gorge feel in terms of time and control point count.

Comments and Feedback are appreciated!
First release
Last update
Attack/Defense CP

Latest updates

  1. Cleaning up some things

    [+] Cleaned up the first half of the map [+] Textured some buildings here and there [+] Red's first spawn locks when blue captures A [+] Replaced the silos with brushwork [+] Added some nifty details [+] Replaced all of the rocks with...
  2. Brushwork and Doors

    Hi... I'm not dead... here's an update Here are the patchnotes [+] Added a door to the left of A that unlocks after A is captured [+] Added some nice warehouse details to the transition building from the first half of the map to the next [+]...
  3. Basically just clipping fixes

    Hey look, an update. Here's what I added +Smoothed out some spots you could get snagged on props +Fixed some spots where you could get stuck +Added a real ceiling to red's forward spawn +Moved the small health & ammo locations in the flank...