
Relic a3

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Relic a3

MvM map for the contest

20170801054424_1.jpg 20170801055854_1.jpg 20170801060225_1.jpg 20170801060242_1.jpg 20170801060353_1.jpg 20170801060330_1.jpg Docs

Please note that per Hydrogens request, nav and pop files are not packed into the bsp itself.

A1 features:
- Completed nav mesh with 11 different routes that the robots can take.
- Advanced placeholder mission from mannworks
- Probably too many pickups
- Flying scouts!
- Rude medic salesmen

Lambs; to the slaughter!

Install directions (just in case):
- Unzip files
- decompress the .bz2 file with 7zip to get the .bsp file
- .bsp and .nav files go in \Team Fortress 2\tf\maps
- .pop file goes in \Team Fortress 2\tf\scripts\population
First release
Last update
Mann Vs. Machine

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Latest updates

  1. Super rushed a3 for the contest

    Terribly sorry to dissappoint, but I've been adventuring for the last month and for some reason my thick head didn't consider that i wouldn't be able to map for that time. So here is a super rushed contest alpha with barely tested pop files...
  2. a2 update

    Changelog: MAJOR changes to map layout Currently 15 different bomb paths Adopted Mayann theme Implemented the robot launcher into a pyramid. A warning sound plus the robots visibly sliding down the stairs of the pyramid before being deployed...
  3. a1 update. Map is ready for some testing.

    Please note that per Hydrogens request, nav and pop files are not packed into the bsp itself. A1 features: - Completed nav mesh with 11 different routes that the robots can take. - Advanced placeholder mission from mannworks - Probably too many...