
KotH Hoax RC3a

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna submitted a new resource:

Hoax - They're back.

Did I fully detail this map in A1?
Yes, yes I did. And I have several reasons as for why.

1: I enjoy it
2: It's good detail practise
3: This is the remake (spiritual successor?) of my first map, as part of the 2021 Jam Milestone rewards.

Anyway, have fun!

View attachment 168361

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017


L6: Sharp Member
Apr 17, 2017
I hope you know that I nearly choked half to death laughing when I went up the beam at the point and heard [REDACTED]. Really awesome map and I love the use of jumppads on a map that isn't Passtime, since I don't see them quite often other than there. Keep up the amazing work, Suna! I'll be sure to make another post if I see any issues.


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Hoax with a new update entry:

A few balance changes

  • Lowered the fence between the point and the main entrance to the barn
  • Changed the farmside route to mid to be more interesting (and larger)
  • Updated the path the UFO takes during the finale
  • Reduced respawn time for offenders (4 -> 2)
  • Added healthkits to the farmside route
  • Opened up the ceiling of the cornfield barn
  • Removed an annoying bit of wall on the laser huts
  • Clipping improvements
  • Changed push speed of the banana
  • Added more signs to indicate where the...

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Hoax with a new update entry:

Release candidate speedrun (special beta skip technique!!!)

  • Removed the barn near the cornfield
This structure generally only ended up cluttering the area and reducing opportunities for creative gameplay, which is what this map is meant to be all about. The building has been replaced by a stack of hay, and displacements have been adjusted to compensate for the removal. Snipers should now have a much better time in this area, though they are left very exposed.
  • Reworked the main barn side room
This room was...

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Hoax with a new update entry:

The 'Finale' Update


  • Major skybox artpass
I wasn't happy with how the skybox and OOB areas were looking, so I took another crack at them to try and convey a more 'isolated farm' kind of vibe, as well as pushing further into the alien invasion theme.

  • Laser beams now target the mothership in the finale
Hitting the UFO was cool, but players were often confused as to why the mothership wasn't hit, or at least the UFO directly above point. I...

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What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
Suna updated Hoax with a new update entry:

The 'Picture Perfect' Update

  • Widened even more doorways
  • Additional skybox & OOB detailing
  • Added menu photos
  • Fixed the tractor beam still activating after the UFO has been destroyed
  • Fixed some skybox rending issues
  • Fixed the base of the red laser not turning during the finale
This will likely be the last update, unless there's some major bugs. Thanks for playing everyone!

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