For Scout, I normally roll with the sandman, scattergun, and bonk! atomic punch. I try to upgrade my resistances first, and also the mark targets for death with the sandman. Soldier, I normally go with liberty launcher, buff banner, and the great escape. I'll usually upgrade the firing speed, reload and ammo capacity. The crits canteens work really well to build up your rage and kill multiple groups of robots. Pyro, I tend to go with the degreaser, the scorch shot, and the axtinguisher. I try to upgrade my axtinguisher, my ammo capacity for the degreaser and any of the resistances. Demoknight, do I need to continue? Upgrade attack speed, crits on kill, health on kill, recharge for shield. Heavy: Brass beast, sandvich and warriors spirit. I usually upgrade the firing speed and the ammo capacity of the brass beast. upgrading the attack on the warriors spirit so I can deal out more damage to the tank. Engineer, I roll with widow maker, wrangler, and Jag. Two different strategies have worked for me: upgrading your metal capacity, your widow maker and your metal regen, or upgrade your sentry's firing speed to max, then health, wrench attack speed and ammo capacity (not necessarily in that order, depends on the situation). Medic: Kritzkreig with upgraded overheal amount, time, and ubercharge build up. Sniper: Machina with full damage, charge, and everything else. You can usually do over 1000 damage with a charged shot when damage is maxed. Spy, I roll with the enforcer, big earner, and the dead ringer. Upgrade sapper power, then to knife attack speed, armor penetration, and health regen which also depends on situation.