

L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Humm, I've read on penny arcade forum that people complained about a few things.

->collision (yah, but since I still haven't found any way to avoid issues, there..)
->lack of dispenser.
->no capture point for pushing.

I've done the latter two things for balance sake.(to discourage people from flocking around their cart) I'd like to know from people who ran tests if players do understand the reasons behind this, or if they find them definitively distateful. A map should be fun.
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L3: Member
Mar 10, 2008
We played the turbo edition briefly (2 rounds, 15v15). Having both meters zero out was a major improvement in shifting momentum towards a particular team and encouraged players to actively block the other team's cart in order to get the uber cart first. With balanced teams, one round ended with an actual win and the other round ended in a timelimit win (after 12 minutes).

I'll certainly run more tests, but I think the turbo edition is a step in the right direction. I noticed that often the other team would spawn closer to our own cart than we would, and this was probably the biggest factor that artificially (and unfairly) helped one team gain an edge over another team that was on the verge of winning.

I know this would probably be a nightmare to implement given how complex the game logic must be presently, but you might want to consider adding more spawn rooms in the cycle.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
mmm, logic wise, it wouldn't be (the main elements are present). But it would be a nightmare to create the differnt spawnsroom in term of layout. (and how many, 6, 8 ?)

The spawn room mecanics creates some complex gameplay events.

If a cart is nearly a cap point, the defending team can block it easily but, as soon as it's capped, the pushing team spawns there (or if the defending team manages to cap a point, it does suddenly have to do way more walk to block the cart). But actually, you could say a team on the verge of losing has some advantage. In the turbo edition, the team with 3 CP respawns in 6-12s whereas the team with 1 has to wait 8-16s. I'm afraid going to much into a "slippery slope" mecanics may ruin the fun of this map

Blocking a cart is also a handy way to prevent the hostile team from charging their own uber speed.

Thank you FLOOR_MASTER for keeping me aware of the players'mood. :) Could you ask them if they would prefer the map to feature more heavily defensive spots and maybe the comeback of the cart dispenser, in what would be probably a slower pace ? Or any other suggestion.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I was going to abandon all hope about the collision. Tried with a physic_ovveride, with a trigger_punch inside the tracktrain. Then I decompiled pc_sawmill (since it wasn't a payload mode map either) and saw it had the "hl1 train" flag set to true, so I added it myself on my cart. It does seem to fix the issue (I've tried a number of times to get stuck and couldn't achieve this whereas the other cart was still buggy.

So I may consider the collision bug fixed, but I still can't figure out why. Can anyone say what this flag is meant to do ? (wikis don't say a word about this).

That said, I should try with this fix and the dispenser for next issue. Anything else ? I may consider restoring points for pushing the cart, but with (virtually) unlimited track it may be too strong.

I also found the tf_filter_playercancap. I suppose it filters out, ubered people, disguised and invisible spies. Do you want me to add it to the blocking mecanic ?
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Quack Doctor
May 19, 2008
I'm pretty sure disguised and invisible spies cannot block, and ubered people deserve the ability to stop it... they're ubered...


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Well, I just ran a test, and one more time I'm marveled by the logic in source games ^^

So with a filter combining team and can_cap, I have the disguised/invisble spy unable to block the cart. BUT the trigger_multiple is unable to notice a modification of filtered client state. So if I'm disguised and enter the cart zone, I can't block,but when I undisguised myself, the cart won't be blocked until I leave the capture zone and enter back into it, undisguised.

Not a game breaker but still a nuisance. The OnTouching/OnNotTouching outputs needs a little polish, Valve. The more I work on snake, the more I find the logic entities hilarous.
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Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
I think you still need to have a control point for the cart then. Then you can use the onnumcapperschanged output too check if its blocked or not. Then using some logic entities can even make it clear if a spy is in the capture area and simply ignore him then.

You can hide control points on the hud for it so people dont see the cart itself is a CP. And if you set the time needed to capture the CP to 9999 then im sure those wont become capped anyway. still as you have 2 carts you need 2 of those making you have 9 cps which crash the game, the only fix for that would be removing the cp that prevents the win from happening. And even if it gets captured you can instantly trigger it to become a neutral point again. And if you restrict 1 team from capping the cart then you dont even need that extra point as there will allways remain a point neutral or from the enemy as you never can cap it.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
It's doable. I wanted to keep as far away from the 8 cp limit from now, but it should be the simplier way to it. Moreover, It would let me introduce a multispeed blocking mecanic later on, if I wanted. (more players blocking = faster charge)

There won't be any problem with one team capping any point. The 7th CP was added only because I could turn both capture zone for the cart into neutral red or blue whenever I needed.

I'm also considering making the push/blocking zones a bit larger. What do you think ?


L6: Sharp Member
May 3, 2008
For the spawn rooms, perhaps you could just leave it at 2 spawns and then give it to whichever team is closest. That would have the added effect of rewarding the team that's doing better, since the other team would have to run further. Your main issue with doing that would be signs and confusion.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I don't really see what would be the trigger, here. Closest to what ? the teams carts? and the other cart ? This could lead to a team being near both the carts...

I've made a new build with following changes

-fixed (hopefully) collision bug
-restored cart dispensers
-setting a capture mecanic rather than a trigger one for blocking. Only players legit to cap a point can block the cart.
-modified the dynamic sign to show only 2 colored disks, (or one when both cart share the same location). This should make them more handy to understand where things are, the HUD gives the progress info
-adding back capture points for scoring. You may have capture by doing the following

*pushing the cart for some time (slower than in other payload for obvious reasons)
*doing the final push against the hostile cart
*blocking for some time (not very much though)
*triggering uberspeed (you must stand in the blocking zone when the gauge reachs 100%)

Unfortunately we could'nt test it so I won't upload it there until a first test has been passed.


L6: Sharp Member
May 3, 2008
I don't really see what would be the trigger, here. Closest to what ? the teams carts? and the other cart ? This could lead to a team being near both the carts...

I meant the team's cart. You have spawn A and B. As the carts go around, whichever cart is closest to A gets that spawn. Whichever cart is closest to B gets that spawn. If teams are an equal distance from the spawns, then it's not switched until one team pulls ahead.

An example using clock positions. Assume one spawn is at 12 and one is at 6. Let's assume BLU starts at 12. If RED only advances their cart to 8, once BLU reaches 5 they'd get the spawn at 6 and RED would get the spawn at 12. This means RED would have a very hard time pulling back ahead, which prevents stalemates or long games. If both teams move their carts at equal speeds, BLU would get the spawn at 6 and RED would get the spawn at 12 once BLU reaches 4 and RED reaches 10.

Does that make sense? I think it'd be an interesting way to keep the spawns closer to the carts while making it easier for the team that's ahead to win.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
The question of the spawn mechanic is not trivial, and can be asked in the case of circular capture point mode as well.

There are many possibilities for the spawn attribution.
->closest to
->oldest point owned by the team
->newest point owned by the team (the one currently applied)

I discarded the oldest point one, but it does have its advantages : it focuses heavily on the defensive side, because, until not lost, the oldest CP can serve as fortress, while the pushing team must go farther and farther. It allows engies to use teleportesr, since exit may stay stable for a long time. But at the same time, it creates an unusual situation when one team is ahead : the winning team must cross the hostile cart to reach theirs, in something like this :

RC--->BS--->BC--->RS (RC and BC are the carts, BS and RS are the spawns).

Red players coming from RS, have to go along the rest of the track, or run straight through the blue cart and the blue spawn, to help pushing.

Whereas in the newest CP mechanic, this cannot happen. When one teams takes the leads, here the situation

RS--->RC---->BS---->BC. Red players wanting to stop the blue cart may go straight and have to passe beyond the blue spawn. But it's not very important, since they were seeking fight anyway. And a good defense should be entranched somewhere in front of the road. The main issue is teleporters aren't used, because a good team will lose its current spawn quite often. Moreover, spawning players are always in situation of "pushing" their cart, instead of ending in situation where they have to "pull" it.

And finally your proposal creates another type of situation. The main issue is whereas taking a point and triggering a new spawn is something very understandable by players, "closest" attribution would be more obscure.

Maybe this topic would require another thread, dealing with unusual gameplay mechanics.
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L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
Okay, it seems, the last edition is quite violent. With an über speed covering 45% of the track, one team can easily check mate another. A bit too much in my taste (but 20 mn rounds would be quite unlikely) Additionnal ammo, renders heavy defensive strategies available. For instance crossfiring sentries + one demo held a team at bay.

I saw one player stuck in the cart, but it may have been caused by a sticky explosion. No other complaints or incident as I have saw.

Would you like this version right or one with a toned down uber speed ? (-30% for instance)


Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
Maybe base the uberspeed on the ammount of sections they have? When they get close to the other cart simply make it barely effective. When they however are allmost defeated you can increase the impact.

1section - 100%
2sections - 80%
3sections - 60%
4sections - 50%
5sections - 45%
6sections - 40%
7sections - 20%
8sections = win

If they manage to get a uber while only having only 1 section i think the 100% reward would be worth it as it usualy shows they are about to get defeated.


L8: Fancy Shmancy Member
Apr 27, 2008
I think people like to have their uber speed be the "final blow"

I have prepared (but not yet compiled) snaketemple_a8 (yes, I give up on the gte, stuff)

With two subtle yet important changes
->uber speed cut by 1/3rd (it pass two section)
->uber speed charge time doubled to 100s. BUT charging speed varies with players (from 1 to 3, that is from 100s to 33s)

I don't know if I should compile and upload this one yet. Gameday is saturday, and I wouldn't change the file too often. and stick with the version we are testing with powerful uber speed.
Oct 6, 2008


L1: Registered
Oct 16, 2008
Alright, played through this today. The map is beautifully built, balanced and the gameplay idea is pretty novel but I can't help feeling it's going to turn into some super stalemates quite a lot of the time. I know there are things like uberspeed to prevent this from happening but for the first 10 minutes or so of gameplay we chased each other around the map and didn't even encounter each other. It was pretty slow to get started and it wasn't until we realized that splitting up, ditching the cart and focusing on fucking up your opponents was a good tactic that the game started to pick up speed.

Aside from that, nice idea though.