Whitecliff Event

MVM Whitecliff Event rc2


L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Whitecliff Event - MVM on the cliffs of dover, but now dark and spooky.

Whitecliff event is a spookified version of Whitecliff that features such haunting sights such as Zombies , fog, a Church, and Britan! You must defend the Mann Co. Radio Broadcast Center from falling to the rotting hands of the enemy!

These zombies have brought along some forbidden litrature with them in the form of spellbooks! These incantations can be obtained from special zombies and when picked up will empower your literate mind with strong effects to help you crush their skulls in.

Included with this map is a popfile that can work on vanilla servers, although works best when on servers with the sigmod plugin. Luckily for you this map can be seen in the upcomming Potato.tf Hexadecimal Horrors campaign!

Birchly - Layout, detailing, clipping
Eve - Logic, Optimsation, Pop file

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L2: Junior Member
Jan 16, 2016
Map Changes
- Spellbooks now have attached particles that represent the effect of the dropped book. This should hopefully make the effects of the books easier to understand.
- Removed the 3 vaccinator spellbook effects (they were unusued at the time and removed to make way for the above change)
- Smoothed out displacements around botspawn and hatch to make them look more natural and less out of place.
- Fixed a clipping problem that causes bots within the flankers spawn to get themselfs caught.

Cheatsheet changes
Removed references to the vaccinator effects
Fixed the spellbot spawn location to actually match where spellbots need to spawn from.

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