Weird mapping error.

The Supreme Meme Lord™

L1: Registered
Jan 3, 2023
So, I was working on my map. I tried to compile my map, only problem is, none of my updates are showing. I've checked to see if any steps in the compiler is crashing, they're not. I checked to make sure all steps were running, they were. I checked the compile log on Interlopers, I remade all of my displacements to remove existing displacement errors. I am actually lost on this one, I've already had to restart the map 2 times due to the files corrupting and I don't want to start over again, Please help!

Compile Log:


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
"Found a displacement edge abutting multiple other edges."

Displacement edges only like being touched by one other displacement edge. If they get touched by more they freak out.

Normally when you create landscape, you only select the *top* face of the brush and create a displacement from that, and the rest of the brush's faces disappear. You may be selecting the whole brush and clicking Create, so the sides of the brushes also become displacements. If you have two brushes like this and their edges are aligned and touching, VBSP will complain at you.


L5: Dapper Member
Dec 2, 2012
The vbsp may have crashed when building collision data, as usually after the Building Physics collision data... line there is a message: done (51) (1298131 bytes) or something like that. Don't know what might cause it. VVIS and VRAD simply uses the old, existing .bsp file and apply vis and lighting to it. Removing the old .bsp in mapsrc might change VVIS and VRAD to complain that they can't open the .bsp (as it doesn't exist).